Tuesday, September 29, 2015

It’s a New Day

Greetings and welcome neighbors to The Biscayne Parker- Villagers Viewpoints blog. This community forum has been created to provide a site for the distribution and discussion of important Village topics. This is your blog. This is my blog. This is our blog.
I have always thought that it is vital for a small community such as ours to have a platform where residents can both disseminate information and educate ourselves on Village matters that potentially affect us all.  For the past several years I have reached out to many of you using various channels to relay carefully researched analysis. Subjects have included:
·         Our last election with video provided from our “Meet the Candidates” night
·         The studies of outsourcing sanitation and annexation to include updates and progress reports
·         The proposed tax assessment
·         And most recently on the concept of the storm water master plan with time-verified  photographic evidence of our actual standing water exposure
My belief based on the feedback I have received, is that this analysis has been beneficial to many residents by providing information to properly frame each topic. My position (or at least to the best of my ability) has not been to editorialize, but rather to distribute factual information gathered directly from the source.  We all have our personal opinions and often they may differ from each other. But through the acts of discussion and deliberation it is hoped that we may encourage a way to bridge the divide. Or at the very least, educate ourselves. 
The Biscayne Parkers Mission Statement:
The mission statement of this forum is quite simple. It is to provide a platform for our residents to examine targeted information that pertains to our Village. A safe place to share news, ideas and opinions. As such we will adopt a set of guidelines to provide and insure a hospitable environment for all readers and members.
These Blog Guidelines are in place for the obvious reason of keeping things running smoothly and keeping things civil among our members.
The Guidelines-
  •  If you disagree with a point of view please address the point made and not the person.    Remember everyone has a right to their own opinion.  Remember that not every post is going to be for everyone. If the content is not for you, change the channel, move on
  •         No use of pseudonyms please
  •         No trolling- No exceptions 
  • Make all members welcome! It does not matter if you have been here since inception or just joined this morning. No one's opinion is more valid then the next person's. We’re neighbors after all.
If you do something on the site that results in a warning do not take it personally. Often times it's simply a way for me to send you a message and ask you to reconsider your wording before I have to take more severe actions. Likewise if you have an issue with a warning and feel that you must say something, please email me directly. I am always more than happy to discuss this with you. We do not want to lose readers or members, but merely keep the site a safe place where everyone feels comfortable.
So there we have it. As the site Administrator and moderator, I look forward to your future participation. That is what will make this forum thrive!  
Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker

The resident email list was sourced from a public records request from the Village. Should anyone not wish to receive future blog post announcements, please send me an email and include opt-out in the subject line. Your email address will be removed from all future notifications. Thank you-