Friday, March 10, 2017

Anatomy of a Corrupted Takedown

On the TV show Arrow, the protagonist seeks out those in violation of their municipal duties declaring in a gravelly voice, “YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY.” This is typically followed by him shooting them full of arrows. Now, while I don’t suggest the latter- there needs to be consequences for premeditated sabotage, intimidation and intentional wrongdoings that negatively affect us all.
Now, the only question that remains is what to do about it. Sure, we’ve suffered through bad Mayors and Commissions before mostly due to community apathy and disinterest. Is that the way of it Biscayne Parkers? Is it the best we can do? Or can we, the taxpayers who finance this entire enterprise, be compelled to demand better representation? Will we invest our time and effort needed to communicate with our Electeds until they hear us and make changes? To forcibly state that this behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated! Will each one of you reading this join in the movement of holding those accountable for their actions?
For if not, if this is too much to ask of you, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. And we deserve whatever fate that awaits us.
This is the first entry from our Citizen Bill of Rights: “This government has been created to protect the governed, not the governing.” From what we’ve witnessed over the past several months, it is we, the governed that need protection from the governing.
In preparation for this article I have been researching the facts and gathering information from our Commission, residents and staff. This triggered by the clear and present dysfunction between mainly our new Mayor and (now resigned) Village Manager.
But, before we get started today I wanted to clarify my relationship with Tracy Truppman so that everyone has a better understanding of our background and the ultimate reason for this post. I have been friends with Tracy for years. I find Tracy (our neighbor) to have a big and kind heart, expressed through her love of animals and she has proven to be a caring friend. I have enjoyed roasting chestnuts on an open fire (quite literally) with her and Rhonda during the Holidays and have provided council for her on many issues over the years. During this time certain personality traits became obvious to include an ingrained emotional default of feelings of discrimination, overt knee-jerk outbursts to include exaggerated and hysterical behavior- all in an attempt to support her narrative of the moment.
A fellow neighbor explains it as “sadly even Tracy's good intentions have a tendency to get lost in her hyperbole and minutia.” But, the question I pose to you today for consideration is, are her intentions (as Mayor) good? I’ll leave that up to each of you to decide for yourselves after you’ve reviewed all of the information contained herein.
Due to the findings of my research, this article will be unavoidably detailed and rather long. Sorry for that in advance. But it is important to fully understand what has transpired here, so grab a cup of coffee, or other beverage of choice, and settle in for the duration.
Anyone who has a pulse on our Village knows that we struggle finding balance or middle ground and instead we tend to swing wildly from one extreme to the other. I.e., a police force deemed too aggressive then too passive resulting in a crime rate increase of +80% and +66% over the past 2 years. A Commission viewed as doing too little to then spending too much, or in providing too little oversight to now what will be illustrated in this article.
It was not unusual for me to receive multiple frantic calls from Tracy daily (at all hours) ranting about one person/subject or another. I cannot remember how many times I have told her to “calm down, stop worrying, and let’s address this situation (whatever her perceived crisis was) if and when it actually materializes.” And often, nothing came of it… other than the rantings of course. And I know that some of you reading this can relate and have shared this exact same experience. Tracy is a chronic gossip and complainer on a myriad of  issues. Though she had not been practically involved in Village affairs, she still felt the need to be engrossed in all the BP gossip. For some personal reason it was important for her to feel as if she knew more than others or was in some measure viewed as a valued insider.
If not for the results of our last election, this article would never have been written. But due to what we’ve been subjected to over the past few months, I felt a responsibility to our community to shed some light on the subject and to expose facts that are disturbing and have the potential to adversely affect us all.
Many different feelings and concerns swept over me once I heard that Tracy had decided to run for a Commission seat. The reason I didn’t hear this news from her directly was due to a “time out” between us over my criticism of her ill-advised attitude regarding the selection process of our new Village Manager. It’s common knowledge to many by now that Sharon Ragoonan (Manager) was not her choice. And as I have no issues with that due to her having every right to her opinion, it went much further than that. She was upset with the entire process and actually expressed her displeasure to our previous Mayor stating that she thought we should start all over again and under a different vetting format.
Never mind the fact that she did not attend any of the public meetings or serve on the resident board during this selection process. Or the fact that Sharon was far and away the People’s choice for Manager.  Nope, Tracy decided that she didn’t like any of it. [ASIDE] could this friction be due to the fact that her application for the Managers position was summarily rejected due to her utter lack of experience in municipal government? [END ASIDE]
Once Tracy’s campaign gained some momentum, she then reached out and stated that “this election year was her only chance of ever getting elected” and her hope was to “come in third place with a 2 year term” as that seemed to be the best fit for her. In that we both agreed.
I believe that she was as surprised as the rest of us with the voting results and since that time I’ve seen her initial humility turn to ego coupled with a hunger for power and control. If you'll remember, few here have been more vocal (including publically recommending for our previous Manager to be terminated with cause) about proper institutional oversight than I have been. However, that is not, was not, an open invitation for feverish micro-managing from a novice into administration and employee decisions outside of our Charter purview. Our Commission is to speak and act as a body, as one entity, not one person. Tracy's is attempting to conduct herself as a Strong Mayor, which is in direct conflict with our Charter and as such, she has self-created unnecessary conflict.
On Election Day Tracy expressed her annoyance to me over her perception that Sharon was allegedly spending more time with and/or showing more attention to the other candidates. And this was viewed as being disrespectful. I mentioned this as the genesis of her feelings of being neglected or in some way marginalized. After a Village movie night, she called to tell me she took issue with Sharon for…wait for it… making popcorn with Fred Jonas. I do realize that all of this sounds more like a Junior High School maturity level than in an adult preparing to serve in city government, but alas, it is what it is.
Let’s now move along to Post Election. We ended up with three novice Commissioners, Tracy being selected as Mayor (more on this later) and a first-time City Manager. When Tracy called me to first float the trial balloon that she may end up as Mayor, I suggested to her that David remain for as long as he can to provide stability and to guide the three new and inexperienced Commissioners. But, here is where we need to back up a bit before we can move forward. Tracy alluded that this decision was made from discussions between the 3 new Commissioners only. She explained that the other two either didn’t want to do it or didn’t have the time to- so it “fell to her.” Hmm…
Moving on, when that idea (David) was rejected, I then suggested Rox, (not as a big fan of Rox’s politics) but as she had served in that role before I thought her experience would better aid our community during this transition. I mean, the 3 new Commissioners could still control the vote if they chose, so what’s the problem? And her answer was, “over my dead body.”
There are eerie similarities playing out on both the National and our local level regarding the effort to suppress criticisms. Tracy called me in January urging me to get two neighbors kicked off a social media site. This, due to their criticisms of her.  This fact should be very telling as to the fragile emotional makeup of this individual.
I’d now like to convey a conversation I had with past Mayor Richard Ederr before Tuesday’s meeting. Richard is a CPA and Tracy sought his opinion/advice on the past due 2014-2015 audit and CAFR situation. After their meeting he believes that her main interest was to have him back her accusations that this was all due to Sharon’s negligence. Of course this twisted logic defies explanation as Sharon wasn’t even employed here until mid. September 2016! [ASIDE] In reviewing the emails between our staff and the State regarding the audit, it appears that communications slowed down between April- September 2016, then activity picked back up again [END ASIDE] Richard not only told Tracy that she was incorrect in assigning blame to Sharon but that he, as a CPA; may not have caught the issues as we transitioned from one finance director to another.
Here are a couple of quotes from Tracy’s email to Sharon, “You have no sense of the urgency with regards to this matter- (not enough immediate hysteria I suppose) The extent of the financial damage from your inaction is unknown- (It is known- and it’s zero) You attempted to minimize your failure by suggesting you might be able to get another extension- (It’s done) Your most recent and egregious false accusation that I am interfering- (probably neither false or egregious) and my personal all-time favorite- Please govern yourself accordingly.” Wow!
That ranks right up there with “have I made myself clear?” This undoubtedly demonstrates poor interpersonal skills and a lack of respect for the Managers position… or towards her personally. Either way… it’s a problem.
Another previous Mayor communicated with me after reading the email exchange between them (agenda item 12b.) stating, “Jeez, it looks like a witch hunt to me.” And he hit the nail on the head.
Soon after being sworn in, Tracy launched herself headfirst into her perceived “public safety crisis” over the fact that the fire suppression system in the log cabin wasn’t working. However, had she researched the situation more fully, she would have discovered that the fire system had been deliberately disconnected for years in the past. But, that fact wouldn’t further her resolve of now placing blame on any and all parties involved, past and present. Further, she then threw a hissy fit over the fact that we used the same Christmas lights that we have for years- but for some reason now, on her watch, they were going to burn down the log cabin. She actually told me to “keep an eye on it for her” over the Holidays. Really, I kid you not.
Lastly on this subject, during our January meeting(s) she not only droned on and on, and on and on about all of her personal time spent managing this crisis over the Holidays, but then trotted out a neighbor to attempt to support the “dire consequences” of this inaction. But here’s the rub, this neighbor, who does not normally attend meetings, would have had no way of knowing any of this if not for being told and urged to publically support Tracy’s position. Well, so much for more streamlined meetings, amiright? Tracy was unable to gain traction from our other Commissioners to support her perceived emergency and this spectacle was nothing more than pure showboating and an early display of her panic-stricken judgment.
Next, during the same meeting(s) a resident spoke at the podium regarding his wife’s analysis of one of the Managers notices for employment. From what I recall, she claimed there was a syntax error and that several points were not clear. Okay, fair enough, but what’s the big deal here? Style points? However, for part 2 of this meeting (a continuation from the week prior) copies of both the RFQ and the analysis were positioned on the dais with Tracy urging residents to take them as handouts.
This was done for no other reason other than to attempt to paint Sharon in a bad light.
Knowing the person who offered her analysis and being surprised that this was now being used as a public handout, I phoned her to ask two questions. 1)  Did she herself discover the RFQ, or did someone else point her in that direction and asked for her opinion? The answer I got was “I’d rather not say.” Hmm… 2) I asked if it was her intent for this to have been displayed publically as it was- not only did she said no, but seemed angry over the situation.
Another molehill
The Attempted/Aborted Charter change. Due to us needing to have a special election to fill David Coviello’s seat, Tracy, (and others) suggested that this would be a good time to change our Charter and to funnel more control and power to the Commissioners on decisions such as hiring and I’ll presume firing of certain employees. This drew immediate criticism from some members of our community claiming this to be a “power grab.”  I’ll go on record to say that the original intention, in my opinion, was not that of a power grab, but more a reaction to some of the problems we had with our last Manager.  And that’s a fair point considering our recent experience.
However, there was questionable half-baked judgement displayed in asserting that problems we experienced with one person would automatically carry over to another.  In response to the pushback, and perhaps after thinking the entire situation over more carefully, Tracy then, reluctantly abandoned her quest. Ouch… rough start.
From what I’ve seen from this new Commission, it would be a mistake to gift them more power. They have earned nothing up to this point. Well...correction, nothing but contempt from many of us. They have yet to show us anything in the way of sound judicious judgment. Nor have they acted for the betterment of the publics trust.
Article 2 of our Citizen Bill of Rights: “No Village official or employee shall knowingly furnish false information on any public matter, nor knowingly omit significant facts when giving requested information to members of the public.”
Tracy has spent the entirety of her time since being elected gossiping to any and all that will listen and plotting to usurp the Manager. Including spreading false and exaggerated information. (see above) I personally heard far too many verbatim quotes from Tracy coming out of other people’s mouths. Through these actions she has put our entire community in needless disarray and upheaval. In the end, I believe that Sharon saw the writing on the wall that she would never be able to build a bridge with these new Commissioners (who didn’t support her) and didn’t want to be somewhere where she didn’t feel wanted. Does this suggest that she lacks the mettle to be an effective City Manager? I’m not so sure, but one thing is for sure, we’ll never get to see it. We’ve had that opportunity taken away from us by 3 neophytes and their coordinated power play.
In getting to know Sharon, I view her as a hardworking, high energy and enthusiastic individual. I witnessed her connect with the public in a positive manner, something our Commission has failed to do. But, perhaps this was her downfall, as insane as that may sound. Conceivably our insecure Commissioners were envious of the attention she received, and in her representing the face of our Village. In truth, she deserves better than this lot.
She has been successful during her 20 year career in municipal government, enjoying a good reputation from her peers. Yet, somehow she “failed” here in less than six months? That just doesn’t’ makes any sense does it? However, what does make sense is that when you have a biased inexperienced Mayor stating 2 months into your employment, “I’m done, I can’t work with her, she has to go,” and she’s got two other lemmings backing her up… the cards are stacked against you. Our malignancy originates from within. So, do we continue to suffer the effects or do we cut out the cancer? It’s all up to you- each of you reading this. Do we seek stability…or further instability and fear mongering?
Was Sharon without fault? No, but guess what- none of those who had preceded her were either. Yet, all were given ample time to settle in and none of them had their legs knocked out from under them in less than six months. None of them were leveraged into resigning before having their first performance review. Tracy admitted during Tuesday’s meeting that she had planned to let her go before any evaluation ever took place and before hearing from our other Commissioners… or from the public. Folks, that premeditated and has been for months.
The question is now, who would want to work in this environment? Who’s to say the next Manager won’t suffer the same fate if they don’t bow to Tracy’s whims? What do we look like to outsiders after blowing through 2 Managers in less than 12 months?
I believe the only answer is for her to step down as Mayor and for another more suitable in their emotional disposition to take her place. My vote is that of a lack of confidence in what I’ve seen so far. And I’ve seen enough.
Standing Watch,
Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker

Wednesday, March 8, 2017



We received an extension of the CAFR until June 2017.  NO sanctions. NO withholding of funds. 

But YES, to empty accusations.  Sorta like the knee- jerk frantic exaggerations, and/or the panic about the fire alarm system at the new building and countless wasted hours just to find out that fire code doesn't require sprinklers. Oh Noes!! 

Welcome to the New Village of Chicken Little

Friday, March 3, 2017

Village Manager’s Evaluation

Village Manager’s Evaluation on Tuesday
The review of our Manager will take place on Tuesday, March 7th during our regular Commission meeting. As this is an important Village wide decision, particularly at this time, please make every effort to come and voice your opinion during the Good and Welfare period. As a reminder, each of us will have 3 minutes to speak.
All of our new Commissioners have vowed to follow the will of the People, so come and be heard on the subject. In preparation for Tuesday, I would suggest (for those who haven’t already) to view the video links directly below this post.
As well, one of our neighbors has posted both a poll and a series of questions on the Next Door app. For any of you who are not a member there, I will copy and paste what he put up. Now head over there and vote!
The Commissioners will be evaluating our Manager during the next Commissions meeting on 3/7 and rumor has it that some may want to replace her then. Here are some potential problems for us if this happens and questions we need to ask ourselves whichever side of the fence you find yourself.
P.S. Please come to the meeting on Tuesday 3/7 and speak your minds.

1. I've heard that the manager ... View more
received good marks and had a good reputation in all of her other municipal jobs. What's been her problem here?
2. If removed we will have effectively gone through 2 managers in less than 12 months. What sort of signal will that send to any potential new managers down the road? Will they feel this is a stable place to work?
3. All our new employees and those in the pipeline will be without the proper support and structure without a manager and clerk who also retires this month. We have a serious turnover issue will this help or hurt that cause?
4. We are currently under an audit. Could the results of removing the manager affect the results? Would we continue to get that assistance we are currently receiving from other municipalities that the manager has brought in to assist? Will they continue to help without her?
5. What specific reasons exist for her removal? Are they legitimate or is this a personality conflict?
6. Do you feel confident with the new commission? Have they made any progress since being elected? Have they demonstrated proper judgment?
7. If I were in her shoes knowing what I know about this Village and the State in which I found it when I arrived, where would I be 5 months in? With things such as staff turnover, sloppiness, in the middle of a noncompliance audit etc.
8.Does she need more time and our support for a valid review?
Further, in reviewing the backup for Tuesday’s meeting, I read a series of emails between the Mayor and Manager. Here is the link to the entirety of Item 12b. (if this link cannot be opened- please visit the Village website and read under March’s agenda item 12b.) The Manager’s responses will be highlighted in red.
Listed below is one full conversation between them and one excerpt from another. However, I suggest for you to view the emails in their entirety.
From: Tracy Truppman
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 3:06 PM
Subject: Florida State Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for 2014‐2015
Importance: High 
Since December 2016, I have been asking you about the status of the Florida State Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for 20142015. Each time I asked, you assured me that the audit was almost complete and you received no indication from the auditor that there were any issues. In fact, in our January one on one meeting, you indicated that you requested that I call a special commission meeting in mid-February 2017, to present the completed audit and that you were in the process of asking the other commissioners for their dates of availability. [Sharon] During 1:1 with commissioners, I’ve provided each of you with an update. The auditor and I maintain as much contact as necessary during the process. Additionally, I requested the availability from each commissioner on February 18th and February 21st, including the auditor, because there were a couple of commissioners who were available on those dates. There was no reason for me to believe at that time there would be further delays. As stated in the auditor’s email, the CAFR is almost complete. Furthermore, each commissioner was informed about my meeting with the auditor on January 31st, 2017, which included a professional colleague of mine from another city, and provided with the highlights of the said discussion. I shared some of the main issues that we are facing, along with next steps and the contingency plan.  
I was shocked to hear from you at almost the end of the February 8, 2017 commission meeting, that you had missed a filing deadline in November 2016. Moreover, I was shocked to learn that the Village had received a letter from the Florida State Joint Legislative Auditing Committee stating that the Village has “not complied with the reporting requirements,” and that the State “will be withholding funds.” You attempted to minimize your failure by suggesting you might be able to get another extension. You have no sense of the urgency with regards to this matter or the consequences despite the March 9, 2017 sanction date provided in the letter. [Sharon] As I stated at the Commission meeting, I had no prior knowledge of a November 2016 deadline. A public records request would affirm this statement, as well as our auditor. If such a letter had been received, I would have taken the very same actions that were exercised the night of the February 8th, 2017 commission meeting. There is no lack of urgency – I’ve stated that our books needed cleaning up. At the meeting I also stated that I was unaware of any extension. Sorry you see this as failure. I see it as an opportunity to engage with the State auditing committee to demonstrate we’ve been doing all we can to complete the audit. As mentioned in my email message last week, our request along with others will be submitted to the Chair and Vice Chair. The committee seeks to work with municipalities and not punish them.  
The extent of the financial damage from your inaction is unknown. [Sharon] Your Village staff and I, in conjunction with the auditing team, have been working diligently on completing the CAFR. There is no benefit to either party to delay it. Due to changes in administration, changes in personnel in the finance department, and changes in methodology to book entries, there was no quick fix to complete the CAFR. 
I am disturbed that you stated at the February 8, 2017 commission meeting that you did not know anything about the November 2016 letter. As Village Manager, you are and have been responsible for knowing the deadlines. You, as Village Manger, oversee all administrative employee work, including that of the Finance Manager, as well as all contract oversight, including that of the auditor. One of the emails highlighting a lack of responsiveness from the Village was from Ms. Herrera (the auditor) to our Finance Manager, Mr. Charles, requesting information back in November 17, 2016, which apparently the State still does not have. [Sharon] I reiterate I had no knowledge of a November 2016 letter; if that had been the case I am confident this information would have been disclosed to the elected body. As stated during 1:1 meetings, I’ve met with the auditor on various occasions and received no indication that there is anything detrimental to the Village’s finances (e.g. see bank balances). 
You have told me verbally and suggested in emails that, by requesting information, I am interfering. Your most recent and egregious false accusation that I am interfering occurred Friday, February 10, 2017, when you said that my speaking to the auditor for a few minutes was slowing down the process, and you sent an email to all the commissioners to that effect.
[Sharon] In my email to the elected body, I did not disclose any names. We are a small Village with limited staffing, limited resources, limited budget, and limited capabilities. When a person is working on one task, they are not working on another. I’ll take this opportunity to mention that (a) in other cities, any inquiries about the CAFR is handled through the Finance Manager and not the auditor directly, and (b) it is unknown if the Village incurs additional costs when the auditor’s office is responding to elected officials. 
I have since learned that the letter from the State’s Joint Legislative Auditing Committee, dated February 6, 2017, which you only first mentioned during the February 8, 2017 commission meeting, states that sanctions are to be imposed on the Village. During the commission meeting, you stated that you had received the letter on Wednesday February 8, 2017. The letter indicates that a copy was sent to me, as Mayor. However, you made no effort either to provide me with the letter or inform me that it had arrived. Moreover, it was never placed in my mailbox. You brought me other items, but failed to bring me this critical letter. [Sharon] This is a fast paced environment. There are countless times staff is engrossed in one task and then has to switch gears to take action on a pressing issue. The letter and envelope are on my desk. I decided to provide it to you personally and with an explanation rather than air it in public that the envelope was accidentally opened by the mail handler and given to me. Additionally, I mentioned to the contact person at the State level that a staff person, Village Manager or Finance Manager, should have received a copy of the letter to avoid delays in responding to correspondence of a critical nature, and she agreed. I acted on the information rather than deferred it. 
Please schedule a meeting for Wednesday February 15, 2017, at 4 pm, with Mr. Charles, to review what items are outstanding, per the auditor’s email. Be prepared to identify the timeline for production of each item to the auditor that must be submitted immediately. [Sharon] I understand your frustration with the prolonged process, and how worrisome it is to you. Please clarify. Are you requesting a meeting with the Finance Manager and me?
I am appreciative of the amazing opportunity afforded me to work for the Biscayne Park community. I am aware that I will be scrutinized much more harshly than previous Village Managers for various reasons that I am not here to defend; however I look to you to comprehend the environment that was presented to me and I have made every effort to move the organization progressively forward. I also accepted that I would seek the appointment for this position knowing that the constitution of the commission would change at the next election, and those new commissioners would not be involved with hiring me. It’s a risk I was willing to take to demonstrate that I am here to give and not to take from the Village, provide stability instead of flux, and administer governance not politics. All I ask is to work with me, and not against me. I came here with an untarnished name and credibility, and I intend to keep my professional brand intact. I’ve consulted with various professionals in different areas of government to attain insight, guidance, and resources. I’ve been transparent in my communication to each of you – met with you while campaigning, scheduled the weekly 1:1, improved reporting of financial and organizational information, maintained accessibility, among others.
I extend to you an olive branch and hope we can move forward cohesively, cooperatively, and
From: Tracy Truppman
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: Log Cabin ‐ Fire Alarm Control Panel
Dear Sharon,
In reference to my email earlier today regarding the safety of the log cabin, I asked you very serious questions regarding the urgent matter of the Fire Control Alarm Panel. In the meantime, please take all steps to ensure the safety of the log cabin. Furthermore, have a certified FCAP electrical inspector determine whether the log cabin is safe for occupancy.  I expect a written response to all of the questions asked in earlier email today and copy all of the commissioners by Thursday morning. Please govern yourself accordingly.
Mayor Truppman
Alrighty then... I’m interested in your thoughts regarding the attitude displayed and if you feel that the spirit of cooperation was present between an Elected Official and Village Manager?
In closing, please remember, as the Manager is accountable to the Commission… the Commission is accountable to the People.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday!
Standing Watch,
Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker