Saturday, October 5, 2019


This is the purpose this blog was created for. And that was to expose and combat BP Fake News. Because. Facts. Matter.
Please watch and listen here to the public’s comments during Tuesday’s monthly meeting: Starts @ 35:04 (hang in there- the audio goes in and out as our microphone problems have yet to be addressed)-
After watching… How would you rate your local government’s performance?

[ASIDE- for those unaware, this is the first time I ever recall hearing such damning language issued against a commission or administration coming from Bob Anderson and Dale Blanton.  Both whom I have known for over 20 years and have served this community for two decades and under many different commissions and administrations]
You know, it shouldn’t be a requirement for residents to follow up behind this commission and administration to correct their mistakes, deceptions and disinformation, but this is our reality under Tracy’s attempted fiefdom. A wise man once said “to not judge people by their words, but by their actions.” And their actions have been to sow division and spite with their unacceptable attitudes, lack of transparency and accountability.
Sadly, based on their actions…they have proven to be morally bankrupt and disinterested in the concerns from Village residents. You know, those who pay their salaries... but I digress.
“So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!
Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!...You've got to say, I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!” – Network 1976 film

There is so much to say about this meeting, but I’m drifting off point. Below is some information on our new attorneys billing practices (who by the way, billed the Village taxpayers for her job interview- I kid you not.)
Excerpts from an email Rox Ross sent to the commission (and others) on 8/24/19 regarding the increased legal billing fees and, what looks to be personal services provided to one commissioner.
Since Rebecca Rodriguez became lead Village Attorney, services provided in communication and/or meeting with the Mayor alone come to 25.1 + hours / $4,352.50 (fee adjusted down for no-charge entries).  The amount does not include bundled entries where other tasks did not allow me to quantify the time spent with the Mayor alone.  The entries generally say re: legal matters without further detail.  I encourage you to compare GR’s to Herin’s and Hearn’s time entries, and I am certain that you will find few (if any) communications between the Herin/Hearn and the Mayor alone.  These are fees incurred by the Village that do not benefit the Manager in day-to-day operations, and do not benefit the rest of the Commission in its collective decision-making.  The Village Attorney is not the Mayor’s personal consultant, and the Village should not pay for such services.
By contrast, GR Village Attorneys’ communications with the Manager and Mayor come to 21 hours / $4,725; and, with Manager or staff (without the Mayor) only 4.7 hours / $990.”
So Tracy, you can stomp your feet and deny it all you want to, but the Facts speak for themselves. (1:47:47 on the video) And for readers here, the spreading of misinformation, the omission of information, or any other such conduct are all Charter violations that can result in being removed from office. I suggest for you to look it up as you clearly don’t understand the limitations of your role as a commissioner. And secondly, I for one am grateful that Rox is looking over your collective shoulders as she has already discovered many mistakes and abuses you missed…or chose to overlook for whatever reason. 
Next, to Betsy’s assertion, and to a lessor extend Will’s as well on Dan’s (um….stalled) agenda item for a discussion on a Change of Leadership and/or Vote of No Confidence in Tracy’s performance. (1:23:28 on video)  Betsy chided Dan that “facts, dates and examples” were lacking and that is totally baseless in the long view. Meaning, where have you both been during commission meetings this year where numerous detailed “facts, dates, and examples” of misconduct and abuses of office have been explained in great detail during Good and Welfare? It's already ALL on record and please don’t try to play semantics with us. You both clearly need to pay better attention to what is being stated and to start protecting the residents from these abuses as per the oath you both swore to. Better late than never is the best we can hope for.

(And by the way, the reason I stated that this item has been “stalled” was the commissions tactic (based on the attorneys suggestion) to wait for “an opinion” from the Attorney General that dates back for months now. Well, we all finally got that answer on Tuesday that the AG has, wait for it... “no opinion.” LOL! Imagine that! And to no surprise…as I and others came to this very conclusion when it first came up- let’s see what other skullduggery they come up with next…)

Lastly, a discussion of the recently approved Whistle Blower Protect Ordinance issued from Miami-Dade County. The prime sponsor was Commissioner Sally Heyman, along with five other MDC Commissioners. It was approved by a vote of 12-0 on the second reading.
As somewhere along the line our Village stopped including comments from residents during Good and Welfare in the minutes, we now only see “who spoke”….but not what they said. Another hit on transparency and good government practices, in my opinion. Anyway, those residents in favor of adopting this ordinance to better protect our employees were:
·         Bob Anderson- 20 year commissioner
·         Rox Ross- 8 year mayor and commissioner
·         Barbara Kuhl- chairperson and long term member of our P&P board
·         Janey Anderson- former member of the Code Compliance board
·         Chuck Ross- chairman of our Citizen Crime Watch
Here are the basic problems we face as I see them:
·         We have no PR department
·         We have no personal department
·         We have a manager that lacks experience in these matters
In other words, what do we have in place for our employees now to air their grievances or to report abuses? They could face retaliation/termination (after reporting) and have to pay for legal assistance to fight a wrongful termination lawsuit themselves. As I understand it, this plan would protect against both of these outcomes.  But, more study is needed on all fronts.
What we know is that all we do have in place is an inexperienced Village manager, and that concept is flawed as he/she serves at the will of the commission. What happens when the majority of the commission is also flawed and threatens the manager’s position if he/she doesn’t play along? What if the employees complain is about the manager? Awkward, right?  
Sorry, but that’s a clear conflict of interest and hits too close to home. We need to find a way to make this happen.
I found it amusing that Betsy and Tracy “agreed in principle- in sprit” yet argued about costs to the taxpayers wherein they both have no problem with the attorney fees being increased by $50K just to finish the fiscal year. And who other than the attorney benefits from this added expense to the taxpayers? Or, in problematic employees getting recent raises. Can you understand the concept of leverage here and who wields it? Or in funding Betsy’s projects no one wants or asked for at the taxpayers’ expense. That’s hypocritical and just phony people. But again, more to follow on this topic as it becomes more fleshed out. 
In short, free speech and discovery is hindering Tracy’s plan of authoritarian restriction and in her tyrannical approach of shutting down anyone who dares to speak up in the face of their oppressors.
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar. You’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say” -George R.R. Martin
Censorship is the child of fear. Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself”- Potter-Stewart

Standing Watch, 

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker


  1. FYI- Judith Gersten (and husband)is a known friend/supporter/agent for Tracy. This has been proven beyond question and is concerning with her now being involved on the Charter Review Committee.

  2. I was also glad to see the investigator from MDC Ethics was at the meeting once again... getting an earful and taking notes. I believe this is his 4th visit this year. We're keeping him busy.... and that's not a good thing.

    P.S. Also, a suggest for Betsy. Park yourself on 113 st. and see for yourself that few to no one walks between the bus stop locations. This is a non-issue and another wasteful half-baked idea of yours. Do better than just trying to look busy. Those CITT fund are better used for street repair than a walkway no one will use.

  3. Anyone who knows Bob and Dale should know that for them to come forward with such pointed remarks - especially Dale - means there is something seriously amiss here. Anyone who knows Bob knows he not only supported Tracy but spent a great deal of time trying to help her when she was first elected. For him, and several others including me, to turn should wake some people up. Sadly though, it hasn't.
    Betsy and Tracy apparently think these record setting attorney fees are just a joke. I can't think of any other reason why they would both have asked Rebecca the ridiculous question as to whether or not she was cheating the village. The attorney was never meant to be the mayor's personal consultant and this new twist is costing us dearly.
    But - the potential is for it to get much worse. Tracy managed to load the charter review committee with her minions (not exactly a surprise) so we can count on the charter being re-written to her specs. And with the majority of residents non-involved it's passage is likely, all too likely.

    1. Janey,
      Yes the construction of that board seems a bit dubious. I like to give others the benefit of the doubt, but who are these people, who influenced they to do this and what do they know about the Charter and the problems were having? Most concerning, and mentioned above, is the position of Judith Gersten as chairperson. (a known Tracy agent)

      Like the commission, they will need to be closely monitored and reported if they go off the reservation.

  4. P.S.S. The last word the attorney had on the Betsy's and Tracy's purported "we can't afford" to protect our employees was that there is no way she could estimate a cost to adopt a whistle blower plan here. Oops...So, more misinformation. Added to Betsy's opinion of "we don't need it."

    That statement just confirmed how out of touch Betsy is with reality. This is why we should not consider electing people that have no experience or relationship with the Village.

  5. Another observation. In Tracy and Betsy’s clearly orchestrated attacks on Dan, the head bobs and eye contact from Tracy to Betsy looks too rehearsed to me to be natural. Meaning, it appears that they are discussing how to deal with their “Dan problem.” (possible Sunshine violation) There have been reports of Tracy (looking nervous) going into Betsy’s house and parking across the street to try to hide the fact….but, it has been noticed. They continue to drag Dan for trying to improve himself and to actually care enough to reach out to the public for their ideas or opinion. Dan has become the only “man of the people” on the commission. They should both learn from his example, but of course- that’s not within the agenda of these two.

    They rather continue to defy the residents and our laws.
