Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The "F" Word

Yes… the “F” word. But, probably not the one you’re thinking of… but then again, it indeed may be. However, in this case, the “F” stands for alleged “flooding.”
After several delays we finally heard the explanation of the storm water master plan from the engineering firm of Craig A. Smith & Associates. Resident turnout was meager, which pretty much matched the number of residents that bothered to complete and return the storm water survey….about 20ish for each. There was a repeated battle cry issued from the president of Craig A. Smith to “keep the survey alive.” I’ll assume that his thinking was that additional surveys would somehow change the results from those already obtained. At least that’s my best guess. A more logical conclusion would simply be the lack of interest shown towards this project from our residents.
Of the 20ish surveys that were completed, only four residents claimed to have had any water intrusion. And based on the data found within the master plan, those appear to have been in lower elevation level garages. It is also of interest to note that some of those four properties claiming water damage may have been due to improper land elevation or grading on their personal property. Something that this master plan wouldn’t fix or address. As stated from the engineers themselves, “these retro-fit drainage systems are not a cure all, end all.” Further, we also discovered that these four claims weren’t even verified by those preparing the survey. Nope, it was based only on trust. But in truth it is irrelevant if the four cases were legitimate or not. Meaning, we’re now having a $13M conversation over four alleged properties claiming water intrusion. This speaks volumes as to the entire hypothesis.
In researching this topic since inception, I have had questions and concerns regarding the very premise of this action. And these question and concerns are vital ones. For all of us.
Please see below the video links from the meeting:
Please go to video 1 (6:30 time mark) to see the before and after pictures of the areas where water pooling/puddles in our Village were observed after heavy rains. The time frames for these photos are 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6.5 hours apart. Based on this photographic evidence, clogged drains and all, natural percolation and evaporation effectively clears the water from our streets in less than 7 hours.
I found it telling that most everyone in attendance tap danced around the “F” word. And this is due to the fact that we have provided photographic evidence that proves otherwise. This is not in dispute; it is a matter of record. A fact… and facts have no moral judgement. They merely state what is. Not what we feel… they just are.
Only the facts matter. 
We have received 50+ comments from various residents and none have been supportive of this master plan survey for storm water flooding. So, who then is pushing this? As we’ll now discuss, this was really never about the “F” word in the first place.
What this was however, was a poorly conceived effort of misdirection, attempting to create a problem (where there is none) to further another “want” from a small group of people. Namely, a Hail Mary end around play for new streets. Here is how the story went…
Our previous Village Manager pitched that there is some supposed “pot of gold” of money sitting in the States storm water fund and that we could (somehow) access that money for street replacement. And how do I know this? Because, I was pitched this very concept from her directly. After listening my first question was, “ok, so please explain how we can get money from the storm water department for street replacement when we don’t have the need (or could prove a need) for any large scale storm water drainage system?” And the answer I got back was…wait for it…crickets.
Below are several news clippings regarding the cutbacks in State storm water funding over the past two years:
6/2015: While cutting a record $461 million from the state’s $78.7 billion budget, Scott axed millions of dollars for storm water projects to include $750,000 budgeted for Miami Beach’s storm water drainage plan to safeguard the city from sea-level rise. According to Scott’s veto message, the project “does not provide a clear statewide return for the investment.”
3/2016: The budget included almost 200 local water projects and Scott is proposing cutting 60 of these — a sharp contrast from last year, when nearly all of these projects were wiped off the budget. Many South Florida storm water improvements are being cut.
So the “pot of gold” theory doesn’t seem to hold much water in reality. And none of the bids recently awarded were close to the money we would need based on the master plans cost estimate.  
BP Storm Water Concept Time Line
Date of the application submittal was February 15, 2015.
Notice of 1st Public Hearing on special assessment was May 5, 2015 [assessment failed]
Date of 1st Community Storm Water Workshop was September 19, 2015
Date of letter to Village Manager citing Exaggerated Language in Resolution #2015-51 was November 8, 2015 [Excerpt]
“I would caution you regarding the exaggerated wording found in paragraph three of Resolution No. 2015-51. It reads as follows: "Whereas, with no positive outfall, the Village relies on percolation and evaporation and, as a result, much of the Village experiences flooding after even minor storm events."
There is absolutely no factual evidence to support this claim.
[Excerpt] The Department may terminate this Agreement at any time if warranty or representation made by the Grantee in this Agreement or in its application for funding shall at any time be false or misleading in any respect.
The representation of "much of the Village experiences flooding after even minor storm events" is both false AND misleading.
November 9, 2015:  Village Attorney verification that the application language was “taken from the description provided by our engineers, Craig A. Smith & Associates (CAS). CAS was hired to review the condition of the Village's storm water and provided that information to the state.” [ASIDE] the fact that an “interested party” (i.e. one with a potential financial gain) provided the language used in the application could be considered a Conflict of Interest. Also and more to the point, this language was submitted for funding nearly one full year before their survey started [END ASIDE]
So, my question remains, how did Craig A. Smith come to the conclusion of “much of the Village experiences flooding after even minor storm events" before they had collected any information or even started their survey? Think about that for a minute…
Odds and Ends
On video 2 (38:53 time mark) Gene (CAS) states (and he’s said this before) that if we proceed with any of this work “you’ll get new roads.” He was immediately corrected by one of his staff explaining that this is not true, and that only a street “patch” is offered for the price. 
On video 3 (40:27 time mark) there was a discussion about if this drainage system would possibly reduce flood insurance premiums, insinuating that the savings in flood insurance would be substantial vs. the special tax assessment needed to pay for it. This is also factually incorrect. Flood insurance premiums are based on individual property ground elevations- not the water table. The suggestion that by improving drainage flood insurance premiums would be reduced is inaccurate. Improving drainage does not change the properties elevation. Biscayne Park would still remain in a Government flood zone. 
So, to recap we’ve seen a possible Conflict of Interest in having an interested party provide language in the grant application to the State. Language that could be considered to be in violation of the applications Section 8 Default guidelines. A last minute “sneak attack” (opinion from one angry resident) attempt of a special tax assessment to fund the $200,000 master plans sought (an end run around our existing millage). Possible violations of our Citizens’ Bill of Rights (Part 1 section 2) of knowingly misleading the public by city officials and/or employees on the unsubstantiated realities of our purported street flooding. As previously mentioned, this was never really about street flooding. Exaggerated and misleading statements found within the master plan report itself. And who knows how much time and tax dollars spent towards this matter to date.
Neighbors, we all need to open our eyes and ears and pay attention to what is happening around us. If not, we have only ourselves to blame. 

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker

Thursday, November 3, 2016

For The Best We Can Be... Whatever The Cost

We face the unusual situation of having only one incumbent in this year’s election to evaluate.  After reviewing our Meet the Candidates Night and hearing from each candidate, several points have come to light. But before we get started, I wanted to mention one of the things that I find most unattractive during elections is that of a candidate choosing to belittle or smear their competition instead of relying on their own platform to gain support. It’s gross, it’s ugly -but I also understand that it’s part of the process for some. 

This brings me to the campaign efforts of Fred Jonas (the incumbent) in his bid for re-election. Below are excerpts from his communications regarding his fellow candidates and neighbors:

·   “One of my friends described the approaches of these candidates who have never actually had to deal with this kind of material as "pandering and naïve." 
·    “If I get re-elected, we will still have two new, uninitiated, clearly poorly informed Commissioners.     If I don't get re-elected, we'll have three. 
·   “Even if I get re-elected, I wind up with two of these new colleagues that is way behind the curve regarding what the task is, and how to manage it. And we've already had a lesson in what happens when we get Commissioners who don't know what they're doing and have no agenda.” 
·  Why would you assume that uninitiated people would somehow be wiser or more insightful? “How would you expect that to happen on the basis of no information or educated insight? 
· I represent an option, and the option is "For the Best We Can Be." If you prefer some other option, like "For the Least We Can Pay"or something else, you can talk to the other candidates. Vote for them.”
·  The question is whether they will squeeze their eyes shut, and stick their fingers in their ears, so they can proceed as they told themselves and their neighbors they would, or they will have to learn to think very differently about things they simply did not know.”
·  It’s easy, if you don't know much about the details and do not have to make decisions, to complain about how the Village runs now. You're complaining, and so did the four candidates who have not been involved.”
· “I hate to say this, but we're going to get two or three new Commissioners who are completely uninitiated and unprepared for this task.”
·   And the fact that none of them can articulate an agenda, apart from displace Fred Jonas, "listen to residents," and sharpen pencils, is of great concern. We will all be subject to their agenda, whether they have let us know what it is in advance, or not.” 
Now, as mentioned these are just a sampling of what the incumbent has put out there. Of course Fred forgets (seemingly an issue for him lately) to mention that all new Commissioners are at some point “uninitiated and unprepared” as was he. So, let’s now discuss his premise. He is beating the drum loudly about his superior experience and knowledge as opposed to the other 4 candidates. But what results back up his superior experience and knowledge over his term in office? So far from what I’ve seen, none have been produced.
As demonstrated during our MTC event, the incumbent made several mistakes regarding the $200,000 additional taxation ordinance he voted to support just last year. His reply was (excerpt): “I was not given the questions in advance, and if I forgot an action, I hope I can be forgiven. My memory is imperfect.” Nope, I’m not buying that. Further, he not only claims to have "forgotten" supporting an important financial issue, he also didn’t even understand the structure of the ordinance he was voting on! This was verified in our Fact Check post when he rebutted another candidate saying assessments are not an end run around the millage. You cannot have a millage of 9.7 and an assessment. The assessment is part of the millage.” Everyone I have spoken with knew that this special assessment was in addition to our 9.7 millage- as this was discussed during the meeting(s) at length. That is what created all the pushback from our taxpayers and why the attempt ultimately failed.
He has since decried that the mere mention of his mistakes were “personal attacks” against him in an effort to deflect the topic. The point should be made that there were 3 candidates who were listed as making mistakes, yet only the incumbent took exception to the Fact Check article. So, I’ll leave it up to you, our readers to determine his alleged knowledge and experience, or lack thereof.
Let’s move along-
Fred also wrote this on his blog recently (link: http://biscayneparkfla.blogspot.com/): They’re less prepared than I was. The "attorney" (Jenny) was a prosecutor in another state, and is now a litigator. What's that got to do with municipal government? The ex-law enforcement officer (Will) was a federal marshall. What's that got to do with municipal government?”
Ok… so I'm confused, what does being a psychiatrist got to do with municipal government? Could it be perhaps the endless “War and Peace” length convoluted emails that we are bombarded with when asking a simple question? Now I can only speak for myself, but his pretzel logic replies (that never quite seem to address the main question) are not only tedious… but also not constructive from an elected official. Just answer the question in a concise manner and stay on topic, Please! I’ve read War and Peace once already…thanks.
As to his smarm regarding Jenny being a prosecutor in another State and being a litigator here- I am at a loss to what perceived problem he finds with her background as she has been active on numerous boards and has performed admirably according to her peers. 
Fast forwarding to Will Tudor’s background description of “The ex-law enforcement officer was a federal marshal,” the incumbent seems to have “forgotten” the rest of Will’s resume. Why do you think that is?
This is what I received from Will when verifying his credentials:I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and currently hold a certification as a Certified Fraud Examiner from the ACFE. This credential denotes proven expertise in fraud prevention, detection, and deterrence. In addition, as part of my duties as an examiner/auditor, I have experience in forensic accounting, financial statements analysis, and annual audited financial statements review. Each of these areas makes me extremely qualified in dealing with budgets.
Furthermore, I spent close to a decade in federal law enforcement as a Deputy US Marshal. I believe that this background provides me with a unique knowledge into the needs of law enforcement. This will allow me to have an educated discussion with the Village Manager and the Chief to determine the best use of our resources, as well as, ensuring that the monies appropriated to the annual police budget (currently 43% of total expenditures) is spent wisely and to the full benefit of the residents. Hopefully, we will find savings within this budget that may allow us to transfer savings over to the Village's reserve fund.”
To me, Will’s experience and background sounds far more extensive and useful to our needs than in the incumbents telling. How about to you? 
As to the incumbents’ declaration of “They’re less prepared than I was” well, let’s now examine that in a little more detail, shall we?
Yes, the incumbent has been a staple at meetings, events, and had served on boards. Check. I can also tell you that his purpose in attending Commission meetings was to serve the role of Chief Heckler and Instigator of the Commissioners during that time.  So his “preparation” was to insult and incite Commissioners (in person) during the meetings- and then run home to further his narrative on his blog. Use the link provided above to go back to years 2011 forward and read for yourselves. You’ll find excessive condescension and name calling, insults, and other derogatory remarks made about fellow residents. Afterwards, just ask yourself "is this the type of person I want representing me and our Community?"
There really isn’t a whole lot of meat on the bone as far as the incumbents’ personal initiatives during his term. But one theme has remained persistent throughout- and that is, as our title suggests, For the Best We Can be... Whatever the Cost (I just modified his slogan a bit). He has been steadfast in his push for higher taxes- in any and all forms possible to fund "his vision” of what the Village should be. For starters, this ideal is in direct conflict with our Charter and the Citizens Bill of Rights, but… who reads that thing anyway?
Below are some excerpts from the incumbent regarding his ideas on taxation:  [sourced from his blog]
4/23/15: Fred: What we can hope for is a gradual increase in property values, which then also leaves us hoping some Village residents will move away, so their homes can be acquired by new residents who will pay more taxes. I even asked the Commission to agree to charge residents $8 per home per year for public art to enhance the Village.
4/25/15: Fred: If it costs $200 more per property per year, or $500 more per property per year, to provide infrastructure for ourselves, and we're unwilling to pay it, have we disqualified ourselves as entitled to exist autonomously?
4/28/15: Fred: Suffice it to say that the Village is our home. Like our personal homes, it needs maintenance. As we do with our personal homes, we need to pay it costs to maintain our "home." If the millage doesn't cover the cost of maintenance, we need to pay the money out of our other accounts. We are not at all "capped out." We have simply come to the easy end of raising the millage. We can raise it above 10, and perhaps we should.
One neighbor replied saying: If we follow Fred's advice - millage over 10, more and more special assessments - we will end up pricing ourselves out of existence as buyers will be turned off and sellers will be stuck. He forgets it's not just the various maintenance items we need to fix, our fixed costs (insurance, utilities) continue to rise. We can't possibly keep up just with more and more taxation.
Fred: Let's move this along. Let's agree to fix the streets, including providing functional drainage, and to improve the medians. Let's plan ahead to erection of a wall along the track, to improve noise control and to limit unwanted access. ($$$$$$- MH)
4/29/15: Fred: Our taxes are not something being done to us. They are what we agree to pay ourselves to have what we have, and to maintain it. (Huh? - MH) They may feel the same way about taxes calculated as 9.7 mills, or 10 mills, or 15 mills, or an extra assessment.  In my opinion, 9.7 mills was a mistake. It should have been 10, at least. And we need to annex. And we need to assess.
So his only answer to all problems is just MORE TAXES!

His response during a planning and vision session was, “I don’t care what we do- as long as we do something.” Brilliant! Talk about a well thought out fiscal plan of action! For me, that’s a scary statement coming from one who has a vote on matters that affect us all.
So, any idea of smaller government, greater employee efficiency, part-time employees- and/or  interns,  or additional outsourcing of services in order to reduce expenses all seems to be off his table. Nope… just more taxes! Tax and Spend…Spend and Tax.
I’ve already referred previously to our Citizens Bill of Rights. The very first entry reads, "this government has been created to protect the governed, not the governing.” Does anyone reading this truly feel that this Commissioner is following the spirit of this directive?

Question, where is his concern for our elderly residents on fixed incomes? Or, the many others who find themselves financially strapped during this difficult economy?  Who is protecting them? Or is his vision only- “hoping some Village residents will move away, so their homes can be acquired by new residents who will pay more taxes?”
In closing, he also has been badgering the other candidates stressing that they “have no agenda.” My thoughts are that this may be due to them simply wanting to avoid him and his challenges due to not wishing to get sucked into his never ending vortex of debate. And if so, I can’t say that I blame them. Or, maybe he wasn’t paying attention during our MTC meeting. Because I heard them talking about issues to include: reducing expenses and adding to our reserves, listening to residents, providing proper oversight and outreach, and looking into our police budget to firm up the contract negotiations.
I will now go on record saying that I did support Fred during the last election. So, I was one of the 6 votes that got him in office.  Things change… 

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker
Disclaimer: For the few who have contacted me regarding my views or opinions during this election please understand that I am in no way bound to limit my views or statements due to this blog. I waive no right to offer my opinions or concerns. I am not an elected official nor tied to Sunshine or any other such law. I will remain focused on the blogs mission statement. And that is to report on relevant Village issues that have been researched, are accurate and represent information deemed important to us all.

Friday, October 21, 2016

2016 MTC Recap and Fact Check

Greetings Neighbors,

We had a successful and informative Meet the Candidates meeting on Tuesday night. As mentioned previously, I hope that all in attendance (and those residents who were unable to attend- but are watching the videos provided) were able to walk away with a much better understanding and feel for each candidate.
As with any political forum, there were some misstatements and errors from several of our candidates. Today’s post will focus on fact checking in an attempt to correct the inaccuracies. We will not be discussing concepts or platforms from the candidates as they are subjective to interpretation and would be better served coming directly from the candidates themselves.
There were clear themes generated throughout the evening to include: “Oversight and outreach,” “Reserves and fiscal responsibilities,” Police department expenses,” "Listening to the residents” and to “Treat others with respect.”   
So, let’s get started. I’ll address each candidate in the order that they were seated.

Tracy Truppman: School teacher
INCORRECT STATEMENT 1: (Video 1)  41:16 / Tracy mentions that for the past 4 years the  Village has been on a State audit “watch list.”
CLARIFICATION: The source material for this statement is found on the July 7th, 2015 meeting (link here-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igWgFbCocaw&feature=youtu.be 11:30 time) The auditor is addressing the Commission to explain that the financial condition assessment for the Village has been upgraded from that of “deteriorating” to “inconclusive.” He further explains that the reason for the status is due to 7 of 23 ratios being deemed inconclusive. He says “if the trend continues you will no longer be like on a watch list.”
Since Tuesdays meeting we have verified (with the auditor) that the Village is not on any State watch list. I have no other explanation as to why he used that language in July of last year.
INCORRECT STATEMENT 2: (Video 2) 0:07 / Tracy, addressing the police overtime expenses mentions “which I believe if correct on the figures- don’t hold me to this- but I believe it’s around $160,000." (she may have said $116,000 as it’s hard to tell on the video)
CLARIFICATION: The verified number is estimated to be $75,000.
Dan Samaria: Small business owner
INCORRECT STATEMENT 1: (Video 2) 37:07 / Dan claims that the $350,000 loan came out of our reserves.
CLARIFICATION: The $350,000 bank loan (funding for the Log Cabin restoration) did not come from our reserves.
William Tudor: Auditor
No misstatements found
Jenny Johnson-Sardella: Attorney
No misstatements found
Fred Jonas: Psychiatry
INCORRECT STATEMENT 1: (Video 2) 4:03 / When answering a question regarding the special assessment ordinance that was passed last year Fred states, “I haven’t ever been asked to decide on anything like that so I can’t image that kind of action in the absence of a referendum.” 
CLARIFICATION: Fred was presented and asked to decide on this type of action last year.  He  voted in favor of this very assessment. This was in the absence of a referendum. 
INCORRECT STATEMENT 2: (Video 2) 33:23 / In defense of one of the budget questions, Fred states that “we set aside $40,000 for the reserves.”
CLARIFICATION: This was the number presented during the first budget workshop. However, it was assumed to be an accounting error and as such was lowered to approx. $23,000 for the second workshop.
INCORRECT STATEMENT 3: (Video 3) 20:41 / In defense of a statement made by another candidate (Tracy) Fred declares “assessments are not an end run around the millage. You cannot have a millage of 9.7 and an assessment. The assessment is part of the millage.”
CLARIFICATION: The intent of the special assessment was to raise approx. $200,000 for the purpose of purchasing engineering master plan surveys. The vote was defeated 2-3 and was supported by Fred Jonas and Rox Ross. So the suggestion that the attempted assessment was not an “end run around the millage” is incorrect. It would have been in addition to our existing 9.7 millage.
If anyone finds any other misstatements I may have missed, please contact me and I’ll update and amend this report.
Standing Watch, 
Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

2016 Meet the Candidates Night Videos

Last night we had a standing room+ crowd for our traditional Meet the Candidates Night. My (very unofficial) head count was upwards of 85 neighbors in attendance. So, all in all we had a great turnout. I hope that all of those who came left with a much better understanding of what each of the 5 candidates potentially has to offer our Village.

Please see below the videos links from the event. Our 2013 MTC videos got over 150 views so this illustrates that many are interested that either could not make the meeting, or are interested in re-watching the occasion.

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter

The Biscayne Parker

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Mug Shots

There have been reports of these dastardly moochers prowling our streets. Protect yourselves and your loved ones at all cost and be on the lookout!!

But, why limit and isolate our list of misbehaving miscreants when we have a host of other rabid- rousers (pun intended) causing havoc and mayhem throughout our Village. Help Us Please!!


(oops…wrong fox )
Anyway, I hope you all had a good laugh... as I did in putting this together. It’s really pretty silly when you look at it, isn’t it?

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2016 BP Semi-Annual Crime Statistics

I had the opportunity to sit down with Chief McKenna earlier today to review our 2016 semi-annual crime statistics. I know this is a much talked about area of both concern and interest for our neighborhood and as such wanted to get this information out as soon as it was made available.  We attempted to get this together for you last week, but hurricane Matthew had other ideas and came close enough to delay our attempt.
But luckily we avoided the worst of it and I wanted to express my thanks to our Chief for getting these numbers together for us all to review.  

So, without further to-do, let’s now get into it-  

1st 6 months
1st 6 months
2016 (estimated)
2015 (actual)
Crime Index
Calculated by State
Index Change
Calculated by State
Aggravated Assault
Motor Vehicle Theft
Crime Rate
Calculated by State
% rate Change
Calculated by State
% Cleared
Calculated by State

Total=                                                           65                     32 (estimated)                                      43

For our general discussion purposes here, the “good news” is that we are currently slightly under last year’s actual crime totals for the first 6 months of 2016. It also identifies that our “types” of crimes are similar to those from previous years. I asked the Chief if he had the additional crime numbers (since the end of June) and he mentioned that he does not at this time. 

I started keeping an unofficial record on the blog (posted under the Crime Watch Meeting from 7/17/16) and will keep all new reported crime events listed there. I will admit that this effort didn’t fully start until September- so the information for July and August is spotty and probably somewhat incomplete.  That said, here’s what we do have to add to the semi-annual crime numbers: 
July: (1) residential burglary. A rear window was broken in to gain entrance. 
August: (3) 2 residential burglaries- 1 broken into and 1 gained entry through an UNLOCKED WINDOW. -  1 burglary to a vehicle  
September: (8) 2 stolen cars, both UNLOCKED. (both cars have since been recovered in North Miami)- 1 stolen motorcycle- 1 stolen tires and rims off a car- and 5 burglaries to cars - ALL 5 CARS WERE UNLOCKED.  
October: (2) 1 arrested juvenile suspected for breaking into several cars in our community- 1 BURGLARY ARREST/ of what turned out to be the burglary of a residence on NE 11th Place.  

So, this brings our unofficial estimated year-to-date crime total to 46 events.
People of BP…do you see a trend here?   

What is it going to take for everyone to understand that WE ALL MUST LOCK OUR DOORS AND WINDOWS- and not just sometimes, BUT ALL OF THE TIME! Houses, cars, boats, it doesn’t matter.  Just LOCK EM UP.  

I know that Crime Watch has pleaded with you. I know that our Chief has pleaded with you… repeatedly.  Now I am also pleading with you to be responsible enough to understand that by not LOCKING YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS you are putting out the Welcome Mat and inviting criminal activity into our Village. And not just for yourselves… but for ALL of us.  

This request is not some violation of your rights, but basic common sense based on the type and number of crime events happening within our community. We all need to both help ourselves and our police department by reducing the number of easy “crimes of opportunity.” 

Got it? Get it? Good… rant is now over.  

I sincerely hope that in six months’ time when we next review our crime stats I won’t have to report the same number of unnecessary crime events based on UNLOCKED CARS or HOMES. 

Until we meet again-

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter

The Biscayne Parker