Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Election Prep- 2018

The Interview- BP Election 2018

Hello Neighbors,
I had every intention to title this post “The Interviews” (as in plural), but our candidates simply would not comply with my request. Or, as it seems, with the requests from anyone else here in their attempt to properly access them. This marks the first time I can remember that BP candidates have deliberately gone so far out of their way to avoid any community sponsored vetting and our traditional Meet the Candidates Q & A Event. Rather they have preferred to attempt to ply voters with sweets, a concert, and several casually segregated, (and in my opinion), meaningless assemblies.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, I’ll give you some insight into this entire fiasco.
As one who has hosted several Meet the Candidates Events, I acknowledged the feedback from both residents and several candidates about getting the same questions downline and in possibly repeating what someone else had already said. The purpose of asking the same questions was one of fairness, and not to have any one candidate feel singled out, etc. So, for this election I had something else in mind (private one-on-one interviews) and starting reaching out to the candidates around the end of September.
During my first sweep, I received interview commitments from Dan Samaria, Jared Susi, and Manny Espinoza. I told them all that I was in the process of contacting the other two candidates and would keep in touch regarding my progress.
Long story made short (or somewhat short for me), Will Tudor (the incumbent) dodged my calls and emails until I finally reached him. (after sending a somewhat shaming email) After relaying what I had in mind, he stated that he “needed 24 hours to consider it.” That was on September 28th and is the last I’ve heard from him. Know that I have asked nothing of Will Tudor for the two years he’s been on the Commission and his deliberate avoidance is troubling. Not the behavior befitting an incumbent, in my opinion.
Now for Betsy Wise or The Great Unknown as I view her.  Since I had no idea who she is, I asked for her phone number so that I could contact her at her convenience. After several cat and mouse emails back and forth between us, I never got her phone number, nor had the opportunity to even explain what I was planning in person. Then, all contact was cut off on her side. The last email I received from her on October 4th stated, “and rest assured I will get back to you.” Well, it’s now 19 days later and I’m still waiting…?... Like Will Tudor, this deliberate avoidance seems contrived and moreover, totally baseless. Neither has legitimate grounds to shun neighbors, nor seem to understand the role of public service. And that is to serve the public’s trust, and that means ALL of the public people. Not just a select few. This is Betsy’s first run at the Commission.
As time is now getting short, I issued a “Last Call” email this past Friday to once again attempt to schedule the remaining interviews. Only Manny Espinoza had the common courtesy to reply and that was to inform me that he was reneging on his previous commitment. Now call me old fashioned, but to me your word is your bond and is part of what forms ones integrity. But, he was polite and good enough to not leave me hanging in the wind, so to speak.  And for that I am appreciative. This is Manny’s second run at the Commission.
Dan Samaria also reneged on his commitment, but in his case, he was on one day, the next off, then on, and then off again. So, a flip flopper one could say. He also asked for “a couple accommodations prior to sitting down for our interview.” These included “that you provide the questions in advance” and that “you provide me with an unedited version of the videotaped interview for my records.” I replied that I would not disclose the questions in advance (as we’ve never done that, and was the same answer I gave him during our last election when he again asked for the questions in advance) but would be happy to provide the video. I then (on October 8th) received a series of odd emails from him asking “who else had agreed to do it” and “if it is only jared and manny it is not worth it for me.” And lastly, “two of the candidates i will beat easy and they are the one i believe u have and one of them i dont trust are being control by a gtoup of people that dont have the residents interest at heart.” This is Dan’s third run at the Commission.
That leaves Jared Susi who visited with me last Thursday evening. The link to his interview is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbReu_Fij74 . This is Jared's first run at the Commission.
Needless to say, what should have been an easy request for access from various neighbors turned into a frustrating run around. I felt the responsibility to share my experiences with you all for the direct purposes of transparency and discovery.  On paper, I have issues with all of the candidates and find myself ill prepared to vote with so little meaningful contributions offered from them.
Talk is cheap, so I put little value in printed pamphlets or other perfunctory campaign promises.  Actions speak louder than words and the actions I’ve observed from some of the candidates have proven to be, petty and segregating, fearful, dysfunctional and as such mostly unworthy in my opinion.  

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker


Friday, September 21, 2018

2018 Semi-Annual Crime Statistics

Earlier this week Police Chief Luis Cabrera, Commander Nick Wollschlager, Chuck Ross and I met to review the 2018 semi-annual crime report statistics. We also discussed some other issues to include methods to enhance the interaction between our Police Force and our Crime Watch with the intent to restore quicker communications to our residents, as we had benefited from in the past. The point being that delayed reporting defeats the very purpose of Crime Watch- which is to alert the resident members and to utilize the networks eyes and ears to potentially assist in gathering information as it is happening.
In my opinion Chief Cabrera clearly understands the need to get the verified and proper information to Crime Watch as soon as is possible. Chief Cabrera has offered “his 200%” effort regarding total transparency and cooperation towards this goal. I find his enthusiasm compelling and can relay that new programs and institutional improvements are on the way.  

In other words, more to follow.  
So, without further delay, let’s now review the numbers.
Property Offenses                      2017          2018 (Jan.- June)
Total Index Offenses                             57                  45          -21.1%
Burglary                                                  10                   14          +40.0%
Larceny                                                   35                   26          -25.7%
Larceny is a broad category that covers various methods of theft as well as amounts. For instance, Vehicle Burglaries in which a vehicle is entered whether unlocked or not and nothing is taken is categorized here.
Motor Vehicle Theft                             6                      2            -66.7%
Clearance Rate for Index                    22.8                 13.3       -41.5%
Other Offenses
Simple Assault                                       2                      4            +100.0%
Burglary                                                  7                      1             -85.7%
Larceny                                                   2                      2               0.0%
Motor Vehicle Theft                             3                      0            -100.0%

Total Arrests                                     31                   13            -58.1% 

Stolen/Recovered Property
Total stolen property                      $159,848          $81,408   -49.1%
Total recovered property               $183,000           $70,000   -61.7%

Okay- so these are the main categories that affect us. For anyone interested in seeing any other crime categories, I suggest you visit the Village website as they are listed there in full.
A Message from Chief Luis Cabrera:


Reviewing the 2018 Uniform Crime Report Mid-Year statistics, there are key areas I feel are important to note as benchmarks of success. The Village of Biscayne Park continues to remain low in Part I violent crimes due to the continued vigilance of our officers patrolling the streets and keeping them safe. The sustained growth of our Reserve Officer Program continues to supply additional police services to the community at no added salary costs and is currently operating at 18 officers.
There was a slight rise in burglaries during this time frame; however we are still trending below the 2017 year-end total of 26. Additionally, we have instituted several initiatives that have been successful. A few examples of our initiatives are as follows: Zone Integrity Patrolling was created to assure better accountability of area patrolling, the use of directed patrol to address specific concerns, we have also created a Village Resource Officer position to better inform the community in safety concerns and guide the public in crime prevention. We are also adding 4 part time officers for visibility patrolling and directed patrolling. This year has shown a reduction in motor vehicle theft as well as overall larcenies (including vehicle burglaries). When all factors are taken into account, there has been a 21% reduction in the Total Crime Offense Index. We anticipate these numbers to stay low with the assistance of our residents continuing to lock their vehicles and being vigilant about not leaving keys readily accessible.
Traffic concerns continue to be a top priority of the department and our officers work tirelessly to keep the streets safe for pedestrians and motorists alike. The Village continues to undergo efforts such as changing out signage that is vague or faded to allow for enforcement of no median parking properly and fairly. The Village has also reposted several No Thru Trucks as well as Share the Road signs in key locations. Additionally, we have expanded the pilot program Motorcycle Unit to be a full time patrol.
We look forward to continuing to grow our partnership with the community in an effort to keep Biscayne Park a place you proudly call home. 

For any specific questions, I would suggest to contact our police department directly.  

Standing Watch, 

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker

Thursday, March 29, 2018

2017 Annual Crime Statistics

The Police Department is pleased to announce the completion and submission of the 2017 end year Uniform Crime Report. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will be presenting the statistics on their website following the receipt of all reporting parties.

Though the entire report is of value, I would like to touch on a few areas of note.

Larceny is a broad category that covers various methods of theft as well as amounts. For instance, Vehicle Burglaries in which a vehicle is entered whether unlocked or not and nothing is taken is categorized here.
Motor Vehicle Thefts increased from the previous year; however they have slowed due to several arrests in multiple jurisdictions. All vehicles taken during the time frame have been recovered. The dollar amount reflected in recovery being higher than that of taken is due to the diligent work of our officers locating and arresting individuals in stolen vehicles that were taken from outside our jurisdiction.
Burglaries saw a decrease in the reported timeframe as well as a rise in clearances.
Domestic Violence instances are categorized separately; however, they extend into other areas of crimes reported. Property crimes are not presented in Domestic Violence, however a Robbery, Burglary, or Larceny which is presented in these charts can and are reflected in the total number of offenses.
I am pleased to report that our newly formed Detective Bureau is working tirelessly to bring the individuals responsible for these crimes to justice and have shown a drastic increase in productivity from the previous year.
Chief Nick Wollschlager

Property Offenses                  2016          2017

Burglary                                              37                  26            -29.7%
Larceny                                               54                  60           +11.1%
Motor Vehicle Theft                           7                  11*          +57.1%
Total Index Offenses                         100              106           +6.0%
Clearance Rate for Index                  6.0               25.5          +324.5%

[*The 11 vehicle thefts were ALL unlocked with all but one vehicle having their keys left in them]

Other Offenses
Simple Assault                                  7                      2            -71.4%

Burglary                                             3                      6         +100.0%
Larceny                                              2                     10        +400.0%
Motor Vehicle Theft                        2                      4         +100.0%

Stolen/Recovered Property
Total stolen property                 $226,607             $446,659   +61.5%
Total recovered property          $144,565             $277,000   +91.6%

MH- Okay- so these are the main categories that affect us. For anyone interested in seeing any other crime categories, I suggest you visit the Village website as they are listed there in full.

Some Observations from Chief Wollschlager:
As we take a moment to look back over the course of 2017 several terms come to mind, some good, some not so good. We look to expound on and continue to progress on the good and as for the not so good, we look to it for learning capabilities and in gaining wisdom through experiences.
One particular area of concern going into 2017 was a withered reserve program that once flourished. A program that allows for experienced officers to donate their services free of charge to the village was operating with only four officers. Throughout the course of the year we have been able to operate around fifteen reserve officers with some leaving to take full time positions and us having to rotate in other qualified individuals.
Biscayne Park carried a well-known moniker of “Don’t Even Think About Speeding”, yet in the not so distant past, that message was lost. Through reinstituting state funded programs such as the “Click It Or Ticket” campaign and cooperating in new ones such as the “Put It Down” campaign, we are reestablishing the Biscayne Park Brand.
The department was restructured to better utilize personnel and serve the public more efficiently. In this effort we utilized our newly recharged reserve program to form a Detective Bureau that operates at zero salary and is staffed by four individuals as opposed to one. In doing this, we are also able to ensure all our full-time officers are on the road.

My Observations:
First and foremost, there has been a marked improvement in our Crime Clearance Rate (solved crimes). Not only have we boosted our crimes clearance rate by +324.5%, but all of this was accomplished by our reserve officers. This method is cost effective and in truth, simply efficient in general based on this actual performance. Another area which stood out for me was the recovered stolen property increase of +91.6%. The 6% uptick in our Total Index Offenses is the best/ smallest increase we’ve seen in years.
Lastly, and a question that should interest all BP taxpayers was “how did the Department manage their budget for the year.” I am happy to report that I was told our Police Department came in under budget for the year. A good effort all around.

The Not So Good
The +57.1% increase in Motor Vehicle Theft.
The +61.5% increase in stolen property.
However, it is hard for me to place too much blame on the Police Department regarding our Motor Vehicles Theft increase when we still have neighbors who invite these “Crimes of Opportunity” into our community by not locking their vehicles and removing their keys. This presents an “easy target” and this is totally self-inflicted.
Please realize that this does not only affect you… but all of us once they’re here roaming around our streets searching for easy targets. We need to do better in this regard.

For any specific questions, I would suggest to contact our police department directly.

Standing Watch, 

Milton Hunter
The Biscayne Parker