Friday, October 16, 2020

"Me, Myself and I"- MacDonald Kennedy


For starters, I want for you to as objectively as you can read the symptoms listed below very carefully. This, to create a baseline to expose the basis and direction for this candidate analysis.

1.      Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance

2.      Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration

3.      Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

4.      Exaggerate achievements and talents

5.      Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

6.      Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people

7.      Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior

8.      Expect special favors and/or unquestioning compliance with their expectations

9.      Take advantage of others to get what they want

10.  Be envious of others and believe others envy them

11.  Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious

These are the symptoms of textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And MacDonald Kennedy checks all the boxes. You know, there is a lot you can gather about a person’s character from reading material that was not intended for you via public records. I picked up early on MacDonald’s shtick when I received an email from him using IT’S MAC! as the senders identification. I mean… who does that? (Symptom #1, #2, #11)

When he was elected to finish up the term for a resigned commissioner, he had to create a special signature line (which I’ve not seen done here before) to virtue signal and further stand out from the rest of the commissioners.

Yup, it’s what he does. This is further evidenced by his abuse of the community app NextDoor (which he treats like a personal Twitter account) featuring him Soapboxing, Publically Shaming Others, Ranting, and Over Posting. These are not the signs of a person with a healthy emotional state of mind or from one showing respect for others that also happen to live here. (and yes, he is still narking on neighbors on code issues- but he does this through his personal email account- as if that makes any difference) Regular people don’t feel the need to constantly blow their own horn and seek attention and validation. In other words, it’s not all about Mac and his wants as he thinks it is.

I believe that everything MacDonald sees is through a prism of Exaggeration & Biased Personal Ideologies. And an exaggerated narrative is not a creditable one. But this is how he chooses to go through life.

And this is the reason why people like this should not be elected to the role of a public servant as they have their heads shoved too far up their own collective ideologies to ever represent other opinions impartially.  Like Tracy Truppman before him, MacDonald Kennedy is a moral authoritarian.

MacDonald cannot be content being part of a group or working within the confines of a group structure. (see special snowflake above). I’ve witnessed this first hand. No, he chooses to climb way up on his soapbox and lecture on his list of demands in his quest for attention, power and control. And it’s not working… I mean who here has benefited from ALL of his complaining, drama and havoc? (Symptom #1, #2, #3)

Watch @ 3:27:00 forward:

(And BTW, the Village interim attorney MacDonald supported didn’t even have the professional courtesy to stay for the remainder of the meeting once the majority chose another firm- this speaks to poor judgement for both. Also, earlier in this video MacDonald cavalierly explains him talking to the Village attorney for hours during a long drive. And guess who paid for that…. at $225.00 an hour neighbors? (Also symptom #7, #11)

To me, MacDonald is predisposed to his personal ideologies and that if you don’t see it HIS way, something is wrong with YOUR thinking… that you need to somehow be reprogrammed. (Symptom #6, #8) This “wrong think” platitude is prevalent throughout his screeds and is generally adopted by today’s fringe minority extremists. He is not politically correct; he’s a political coercive.

He’s a Burden to Management and Staff:

In the public records I’ve gone through, he is found begging staff for special favors. For example, his repeated (and boy, do I mean repeated) requests to write, design and proof ALL Village communications. What he doesn’t understand is this is not the role of a commissioner. (Symptom #4, #7,#8) And when he is rejected, he whines endlessly and then points out any fractional (and mostly insignificant) future mistakes made playing the “gotcha game.” And it’s beyond tedious… and unproductive. Yea, some oasis you’ve created here MacDonald.

His forwarding of Village information to NextDoor became such an issue that both the police and adminstration departments had to open their own NextDoor accounts in an effort to stymie his activity there.  And no, he wasn’t asked to do that as he tells it… or he pestered staff so much they caved in just to shut him up for a minute. Would it help you if I acted as a clearinghouse for questions to you?”

Sat 3/14/2020 10:45 AM- “Thanks for the info. I am happy to hear that, but I will not share with residents at the direction of David and John Herin. They don't want information posted on social media or anywhere other than the village website, per a phone call I just had with John. I'm not the boss, so I'll allow David to decide how and when to share information. “ 

So you see that MacDonald knew he was “not to share information on social media” at the direction of the Village manager and attorney. But, did that stop him? No… he just went ahead and did what he wanted to anyway. I hope you’re now gaining a better understanding of who this person really is. 

Mon 3/16/2020 8:56 AM- (Note this is 2 days after he was already told not to share Village information on social media) “I'll offer to act as your public information officer on Nextdoor if that would help spread word about village issues. I can post what you approve and copy/paste many things. I think it's important for the village to speak with one voice (as long as it’s HIS VOICE) and to convey one message, and we need to spread that info as far and wide as we can. Nextdoor reaches MANY more residents and also reaches them faster. It has an "urgent" option that pushes messages to phones, too. I'll be happy to come to village hall today and show you all options so you understand what I could do for you on there.” 

And this goes on and on and on and on… However, this should come as no surprise for when you give a needy malcontent a bigger soapbox… what did you really expect would happen?

He refers to himself as a  “professional writer and editor.” Funny, in that his profession is running sales for a Beauty Supply company. And how is this any different than Tracy telling people she was an “engineer” when her profession was as a school teacher? (Symptom #4, #8) 

I don’t know where his sense of entitlement comes from, but it has done little but overburden staff to the point they have to ignore his continuous bombardment of demands, gripes and questions. That or they can’t get any work done for you know…the rest of the Village residents. He has alienated two Village managers so far and will at some point start on a third. And I wish that person good luck in dealing with him and his “high maintenance” needs. Here is how I explained MacDonald to another resident based on his short time in office, “here's what I see... 20% of the vote is eating up 80% of the time chewing scenery and virtue signaling.” 

However, truth be told, MacDonald is in no position to demand anything here. Not as a resident, and not as a commissioner. He has, per usual, created an exaggerated impression of what he thinks being a commissioner here should be, and then bullies and belittles the other commissioners that don’t hold up to his expectations. (Symptom #7, #11) And that’s not his place as he’s only 1 of 5. And we all know that 1 is the loneliest number. His inability to build a consensus with the other commissioners (which he blames on the other commissioners naturally) insures his demands will remain just that… empty demands.

He’s a Wannabe Activist:

In addition to his narcissistic personality disorder, MacDonald also fancies himself an activist. Since the first day he moved here he has chronically complained to anyone that would listen (and for many who didn’t, i.e. staff) about all of HIS particular problems with our Village. He has proven to be a discontented person.

Discontented Person: somebody who is discontented or dissatisfied, especially somebody who seems continually or chronically discontented.

The problem comes in as while he is serving as a commissioner, it’s not about his personal identity politics or belief system.  All residents here do not support his vision of gay rights, BLM or any of his other “causes.” 

Having a sign in his front yard (originally a first responder and police support sign) he modified to read BLM (now considered Burn, Loot and Mayhem by many after the 40+ deaths and riots executed in their name) and “No Justice No Peace” is not acceptable from an elected official here whose sole purpose is to represent the entire body of constituents. All commissioners need to leave their personal belief systems at the door when in office representing our community at large.

Why is MacDonald cheerleading for a large audience?

How Intersectional Activists Destroy Institutions- Playbook 

They infiltrate enough, and then they can attack, like bacteria. Once enough of the viral load is in, they try to destroy the host organism. Here’s how it goes:

  • ·         Pack the audience with enough sympathizers
  • ·         Find or manufacture a precipitating event
  • ·         RAISE HOLY HELL about it
  • ·         Divide and conquer with no neutrality allowed
  • ·         Press on until owned or dead
  • ·         Rinse and repeat

Diversity is not a virtue. It is mundane. And elevating the mundane to virtue is idolatry. 

Political activists have become so problematic in business that policies are now being designed to protect employers. See the Coinbase video here:

Here is another:

In these videos it is explained that this company has determined that offering a generous severance package to get rid of its “woke activists” employees is the best and perhaps only option. Add to this a new employee search firm named UnWoke who’s function is to weed out woke activist candidates from employment searches as they have been deemed too toxic to the work environment.  What they are basically saying is that There is No Room for Activism in Business… and in truth, not in our small local government either.

Look at Disney, Hollywood and corporations that Got Woke and Went Broke. There are countless stories of companies pandering to the minority of woke only to have it backfire on their bottom line. One example is Gillette, who produced an anti-man and more specifically, anti-white man ad that resulted in an $8Billion dollar write down of their stock. Ouch! Know your market Gillette.

Then there is Disney and Hollywood who has forced this “race swapping and gender bending theme” into their movies and entertainment, ALL which has been box office bombs and rejected by the general public. Now their award shows viewership is at an all time low. And the same can be said for the woke NBA Finals...there was nothing but crickets. Worst number EVER for the Finals. And as mentioned above, there are countless additional stories on the subject.

He’s an Overly Pushy Snake Oil Salesman:

Residents have told me they have criticized MacDonald for his “in your face pushy demeanor.” He counters that with “I’m a salesman.” And that reply is both lazy and deluded.  You have no further to look than the automobile industry to see they have all but abandoned their “hard sell tactics” to know the party is over. And why? Because it creates distrust and has a negative effect on the customer. And in our community, residents are the only paying customer.

MacDonald is an agent provocateur of sorts, a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; an agitator. He’s a mind virus that’s spreading among the uninformed. His intentions are not about you, he’s merely using you as useful tools in his attempt to gain leverage, power and moreover, control. (Symptom #9) And you may not see it now….but you will in time. And when he doesn’t get what he wants, when he receives any criticism… this is what we’ve witnessed: 


MacDonald identifies with authoritarians who have a zealous ideology based in identitarianism. As one who has both trained and managed salesman in my career, I know all about dealing with peacocks. And it has always been a balancing act between their production, or worth to the company versus the headaches they present. The same is true for sport franchises which have often rejected the “prima donnas” and instead looked for slightly lower ceiling players that won’t destroy your locker room with their drama and self-serving diva demands.

He’s a Diva: “But I’m the Only One That Cares…um…I have Higher Standards

The Covid Truth. I’m not sure anywhere in the World was prepared for a global pandemic, and we were no exception. A State of Emergency was issued and according to our plan, our Village manager (interim if that matters) Chief of Police and Mayor (all trained in emergency management protocols) took over to create public safety guidelines, shut down non-essential operations, rotated staff in and out and provided updates to the residents via YouTube videos. Most residents that spoke up seemed happy with these services…but not MacDonald.

For you see, instead of supporting staff and taking a back seat during this unprecedented time, letting those with experience run the daily operations, MacDonald constantly pushed for Zoom meetings from Day #1.  (Reply's below are from MacDonald's email account- any additions by me will be shown in red)

Mon 3/16/2020 5:17 PM- In the interest of moving village business along during the COVID emergency and maintaining as sense of normalcy while folks isolate, I’m curious what our options are for conducting commission meetings virtually. Can we meet via ZOOM (my favorite webinar app)? The public could also easily “attend” and even make public comment. David has canceled this week’s special meeting and also the regular April meeting. That means no village business will be conducted until May, unless Ginny calls an emergency meeting. We have urgent business to attend to (Code board filled, processes started to fill manager and attorney positions among them), so if there’s a way to meet virtually I think we should look into them seriously and quickly. Who’s the authority on this topic?

From: Herin, John R. 
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 5:47 PM
To: MacDonald Kennedy 

BP virtual meeting options

I am the expert, and it’s not allowed on the scale you are suggesting absent intervention by the Governor. He would have to suspend the Sunshine law (don't think he has the authority to do that) and/or develop guidelines for local governments to follow regarding remote meetings and "public involvement."

AGO's on the subject state that remote access is allowed on a limited basis, but you still need a physical quorum and public must have the right to attend in person. This is a never seen before situation so there is no existing "playbook" to follow.

From: Herin, John R. 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: FLC Letter to Gov. requesting guidance re: coronavirus

That statement by the FLC is their telegraph to the Governor as to what the FLC wants him to say.  Otherwise, it is just a suggestion to local governments. As of today’s date, I am unaware of any municipality following that suggestion and started using virtual meetings to conduct business.  In fact, later today I will be going to the other municipality I represent for a “regular in-person” special call meeting to discuss whether or not it should adopt any of the suggested restrictions regarding beach access and use.

Thu 3/19/2020 6:07 PM- To the manager: If you’re still planning to record the YouTube video, let me know if you want me to work on copy for you. I’m not 100% sold on the idea of that video yet. (Because you see, MacDonald was not involved in any of the YouTube videos. And it wouldn’t matter if he’s “sold on the idea” or not anyway as he’s just 1 of 5 and this is not a commissioners responsibility- another example of his meddling into everything)

Mon 3/23/2020 10:06 AM- I am working from home, so please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with … writing notices, etc., all to your approval. (he’s at it again)

Tue 3/24/2020 2:10 PM- I have read your emails on the topic of virtual meetings, and I want to share my opinion that the BP commission should hold an emergency meeting as soon as possible using Zoom or other virtual means, with the main interest falling under the “public peace” portion of our special meetings definition. If you have the authority to call that meeting yourselves under our current emergency state, I’m asking you to exercise it today and to conduct that meeting tomorrow. If Ginny’s the only person who can call that meeting, I’m asking you to discuss that with her. (It’s not the manager’s place to try to sway the decision of the Mayor)

There’s no good reason not to meet virtually and not to do that at our first opportunity. There’s no good reason to wait until next week. I’m asking you all to be proactive leaders by getting that meeting to take place.

Thu 3/26/2020 9:31 AM- This email BEGS the question: Why are other municipalities conducting virtual meetings and making important decisions and we haven't and/or can't? ZOOM is practically idiot-proof, (who do you think he is referring to here? Symptom #6, #7) and in my opinion we should have had that set up last week and be ready to go. I would like a meeting at our first opportunity. 

Thu 3/26/2020 9:45 AM- (14 minutes later) I have been asking for a virtual meeting since before the governor allowed it. We should have had ZOOM set up last week, and we should have already conducted at least one meeting if only to work out the kinks. I have not heard one good reason why we can't/haven't/won't/shouldn't do that at the first opportunity, like tomorrow. (Just look at the timestamps. He’s just firing off email after email without allowing any time for staff to consider- THIS is who he is)

 Thu 3/26/2020 11:02 AM- (3rd email on the same subject within 2 hours) Perhaps the commissioners who don't want to meet virtually should be removed from payroll like a furloughed employee. The one thing we actually do every month is show up for one meeting. One monthly meeting. If they won't do that by clicking a link in an email, why should they collect their $166.67 this month ... $333.33 for Ginny? (Now he’s going into some abstract logic about money and who should receive that money. This border line temper tantrum is due to him not getting his way while remaining tone-deaf on the real situation- COVID. This is WAY OUT OF LINE) 

From: MacDonald Kennedy 
Date: March 30, 2020 at 10:44:45 AM EDT

Gentlemen. I’m going on the record again (yea, no duh) that I feel strongly that we are not being proactive enough in handling the COVID emergency, specifically that we should already have conducted a virtual commission meeting to work out the bugs in Zoom. (I’m not confident in the ability of all players to execute, and I don’t think that’s an unfair criticism.) (OMG- symptom #6, #7) Further, that meeting will instill confidence in residents and enable their questions to be answered directly. (ROFL! – This is priceless. MacDonald actually thought that residents here dealing with this pandemic lock down needed to hear from untrained commissioners and/or him specifically? Remember, staff was updating residents weekly. The hubris illustrated here is otherworldly) Other communities are doing that, and I don’t see any good reason why BP shouldn’t/can’t/won’t be as organized and proactive. (The Youtube video is not a substitute.) (Because HE was not involved or featured in them. Are you getting the point here? Note: those PSA staff videos received many more views than any commission meeting he has monopolized) 

[Excerpts for brevity] Last week, John and David both told me that we “don’t have the votes” to call the virtual meeting. I’d like to know which commissioners voted yes and which voted no. Please let me know how the votes went down … or explain why I can’t know that information now. (push,push,push,push) I would think those “votes” are a matter of public record now, but you explain to me if I’m wrong about that. (Do you find this attitude helpful or the opposite? Does this sound to you like someone who can handle being told “no”?)

Tue 3/31/2020 12:00 PM- (The bloody next day) I would appreciate a response to the questions in my email below, specifically those in the second paragraph:

Last week, John and David both told me that we “don’t have the votes” to call the virtual meeting. Please explain what that means. My understanding is that the mayor can call a meeting on her own, so I can only surmise that she can’t/won’t do that … or four commissioners can call the meeting. In the past, I was told that those four commissioners would have to do that during a public meeting. Perhaps the rules are different for emergency meetings. So, did someone poll the commission and ask for votes to conduct a virtual meeting? If so, I’d like to know which commissioners voted yes and which voted no. I can’t imagine that you providing that information would be a Sunshine violation, as we won’t be voting on that matter later. Please let me know how the votes went down … or explain why I can’t know that information now. I would think those “votes” are a matter of public record now, but you explain to me if I’m wrong about that. (He’s just mostly repeating himself again. This is what's going on behind the scenes. He just never stops tormenting all of those he thinks are standing in his way. He is completely tone-deaf to the fact these employees have more important things to do than field his numerous daily emails. Do you see how this is a problem here?) 

Wed 4/1/2020 8:13 AM- Nextdoor has an option to conduct polls among members. Yesterday, I posted a poll asking residents of they thought BP should be conducting virtual commission meetings. I did not indicate my opinion in any way. As of this morning, 78% of respondents indicated that BP should conduct virtual meetings, and 73% said they wanted a link so they could attend. (Desperation has now set in. A poll? Really? Error- it was 60 votes in total. 73% in favor, 10% against, 17% no meeting during COVID-19. Remember when I told you about his exaggerations?)

Wed 4/1/2020 1:09 PM- FYI, the mayor could call the meeting, but she hasn’t found it within herself to do that for no reason that she’s stated publicly. Likewise, the other four commissioners could also call the meeting, but we have one who refuses. Leaders should look and plan ahead, so I hope the mayor and that one holdout are able to do that before a dire emergency requires it to happen. (More exaggerations, he’s now trying to float the idea of some imagined dire emergency to support a weak minority position- he does this a lot)

Wed 4/1/2020 1:29 PM- (A mere 20 minutes later) I have been as vocal as I can be about having a virtual meeting, and the topic of succession should be included on that agenda, in my opinion. If you’re permitted to do so, please share that concern with the other elected officials. If they aren’t already worried about succession here in the village, perhaps they should be. Not sure if you’re allowed to share my concerns, perhaps without naming me … or make it your own concern and leave me out of it. Follow Sunshine rules, certainly, but know that I’m looking several steps ahead at “if this, then that” scenarios. (He’s way out of his lane again and his "what if games" are time consuming and mostly unnecessary)

From: Luis Cabrera 
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 4:13 PM
To: MacDonald Kennedy 
Subject: Re: BP succession


The concerns that you’re inquiring about have been addressed in our emergency planning meetings. We have discussed the temporary absence of the Interim Village Manager, Clerk and the Chief of Police. I can assure you that the lack of leadership and teamwork is not a concern at this point. The Manager and all his subordinates are taking numerous precautions to avoid jeopardizing their health and well-being.  

Thu 4/2/2020 4:51 PM- I would also like to ensure that the meeting in concise, organized, thorough. If you need help in putting together the information in advance, that’s VERY much my strong suit. I do that for a living, and I’m happy to help with that now for the village. I’m quite skilled at taking a lot of info and organizing it, compacting it, making it easy to follow. (This is getting ridiculous at this point- he just doesn’t listen)

Thu 4/2/2020 5:37 PM- More votes in, and the YES votes are 82%. (Error- again the yes votes were only 73% as of today- 44 people) None of the NO votes have stated a reason “why not,” but the YES votes are basically saying many of the same things I’ve said. (Incorrect- first off MacDonald has no knowledge of what the 10% (against) or the 17% (no need during COVID) of voter’s opinions were. So, he's just ranting into the void...)

Mon 4/6/2020 3:32 PM- See below … NoMi conducting a virtual council meeting tomorrow, just announced a few minutes ago. Nice to see them arrive at the party, albeit late and reactive as opposed to proactive and forward-thinking. Perhaps one day BP will function like a real city. Not today, I suppose, but perhaps some day soon. (Now he’s just lashing out against his perceived oppressors. And this is childish and unproductive behavior. Is this really the type of representation you’re looking for? Also, a grammar error- that should be “someday” there Mac- lol)

Mon 4/6/2020 3:44 PM- (Now 12 minutes later- OMG! Are You seeing this? Please put yourself in our staffs shoes for a long would you last? No wonder David Hernandez ran out of here like his pants were on fire) NoMi is pulling off a meeting, and so are lots of other places, including the other city that John personally represents. They are functioning rather than appearing impotent. Good for them! (I’m sorry but the only picture I’m getting here is that of a spoiled brat) 

Mon 4/6/2020 4:57 PM- (Just over 1 hour later. How many times does he need to repeat the same thing?) I was informed by the manager about an hour ago that he doesn’t have the votes to conduct a virtual meeting and he doubts that will happen at all. As you know, Ginny can call the meeting on her own … or the other four commissioners can call it collectively. I don’t know who’s voted which way, but I know we don’t have the votes and the meeting won’t be taking place. So, BP grinds to a halt until further notice. (No, it didn't) We survived three years of nothing much getting done, so we’ll survive this, too. I prefer “thrive” to “survive,” but I get only one vote. (It's not about You MacDonald) 

Wed 4/8/2020 12:36 PM- North Miami had a virtual meeting. El Portal had a virtual meeting. Surfside had a virtual meeting. What is Miami Shores doing?

OK, OMG- I’ve had enough! I will literally throw up in my mouth if I go on any further. I could however, as this is just the tip of the iceberg. But, if you can’t see from this sample his destructive self-centered mission and the trouble he creates... I can’t help you.

What manager do you think would want to work with this type of person? It is impossible to appease him, that is unless you kowtow to his every wish and demand. 

And all of this is just way too much drama from and for one commissioner.

Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter

The Biscayne Parker


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