Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Devil We Know- Fred Jonas

This is Fred- or at least how I view him. As a noxious, mean spirited little man. Or, as the internet would describe those like him… a troll.

The title above was lifted from one of Fred’s blogs where he was per usual, bad mouthing and back stabbing the other candidates. As he always does… same old Fred.

Is this a community leader you think represents you?

Here is a link to a post I wrote about him on his second attempt at office, nothing has changed:

So, the book we have on Fred is that he sits under his bridge (actually a metaphor, he’s behind his keyboard) spewing toxic waste at all different points of view from those who have rejected him. If you want to know more about him… just go to his blog and read for yourself his never ending barrage of baseless accusations, hateful name calling and nasty commentary towards, well… just about everybody outside of his insignificant and petty echo chamber. (BTW, this represents the vast majority of residents here) Link:

And yes, for this post he will be getting a dose of his own medicine. We’ll see how it goes down. Speaking for myself, Fred is utterly irrelevant. However, it’s past time to call him out on his repellent behavior…

Observe for yourself his twisted pretzel logic screeds and his obvious comfort in lying and misrepresentations in order to prop up his ambiguous narratives. A deeper dive down his rabbit hole will uncover unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and well, just more sludge.

Is this a community leader you think can help us?

This is Fred’s third attempt at public office, so we have a track record to discuss. To review, on his first attempt he secured a last place finish edging out Harvey Bilt by a mere 6 votes. His second attempt resulted in a loss- and by a wide margin if I remember correctly. Yet, nowhere to be found in that loss was any admission of his own faults, or the fact that voters just did not find him relatable, trustworthy or likeable. Nope, when he lost he blamed others (including myself) and played the “victim.”

As a commissioner here is what we witnessed from Fred being Fred:

  • ·         Disrespect to our Flag and Country by refusing to join in the Pledge of Allegiance (atheist)
  • ·         His smug condescending attitude- often broiled in disputes with others
  • ·         He was an unprepared commissioner that didn’t study the agenda and thought he could just show up monthly and “wing-it “
  • ·         He’s proud to boast of him not taking a salary, and we got what we paid for….nothing

But, why would he need to spend his time studying the agenda backup when his sole mission for being there was to blindly support his friend and ally Roxy Ross? The only time I remember him disagreeing with her (or voting to the contrary) is when she wanted to push our taxes to 9.8 and he wanted 10, or 10+ … Oof.

But wait there’s more…

Not only was he pushing for higher taxes, on top of that he wanted to add an ongoing special tax assessment. And for what you ask? A $13 million dollar boondoggle storm water program that was at its core dishonest, misguided and unethical. And he failed. (More on this below if you’re interested)

Read Here:

Fred refused to see or admit the problems we had with a Village manager during his time in office until her misconduct slapped him in the face and he was forced into action. Albeit, too little and too late.

He constantly fought with Dan Keys (when Dan headed Park and Parkways) demanding plans for the medians while not even understanding the half-baked nature or limitations of his idea, costs involved, or in the acknowledgment of the utility purpose the medians serve that would reduce (or eliminate) their usefulness for resident overflow guest parking. Or for your landscapers to use, etc. So, where are they supposed to park Fred? In the middle of the street blocking traffic?? For anyone who would be adversely affected by “his plan,” did Fred ever drop by to discuss this with you and suggest solutions? Nope. All we got was…

Here’s another point, did he consider for one minute our ability to properly maintain, weed and water them? Nope again, he just wants what he wants. Sound familiar??

Here is a real world example Fred didn’t consider: after the debris dumping on the 114 St. median, multiple new oak trees were purchased and planted to replace the trees lost to the hurricane and dumping. I then watched them over time slowly die off until they were ultimately removed. So, it resulted in a waste of both time and money. Why? Because there is only so much our PW staff can handle and in my opinion, they are already stretched thin.  I’m sorry, but we need to deal in reality and within our capabilities. So with this said, how on earth are we going to maintain planting all the mediums? You see, Fred just doesn’t think things through.

Is this a community leader you think can help us?

Fred was unable to build a consensus on any of his ideas (few as they were) during his time in office. This was due to his inability to compromise, find middle ground or work with others that don’t share his agenda. All Fred is interesting in representing is his small circle of friends.

Do you want a community leader that can’t work well with others?   

Now he’s back on his blog demeaning the other candidates and telling you Who to vote for. 

I cannot suggest you vote for Judi Hamelburg, because she has not shown the kind of even-temperedness and devotion to the Village (that part of it that is outside herself) that is necessary for proper Commission functioning. We don’t see much of Judi, and when we do, she either talks superfluously, or she quickly works any discussion about anything around to her own personal experience, as if everything was somehow always all about her. ”

I cannot suggest you vote for William Abreu, because I know nothing about him, and he has given no one any reason to assume he is interested in or knowledgeable about the Village. I’m told he’s Brazilian, very young (possibly under 30) and that the idea that totally uninitiated people can govern an area and constituency seem to be infectious. Political novices can do a great deal of damage, and they’ve done it big time right here.”

I strongly suggest you not vote for Will Tudor, because he has enabled every bad thing that has happened to the Village since the end of 2016, and he is plainly not interested.”

So, he’s acting as Judge and Jury here actually having the gall to attempt to steer you how to vote… and moreover, how to think. And that’s really insulting. For you see, only Fred can decide who is a “marginal resident” or not and who is worthy of your consideration. Fred is telling you that, in his opinion, you are either too stupid or ill-informed to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions based on what you experience, see and hear. No, “He” needs to do that for you.  Yikes!

Fred seems to think the only people that can contribute to our community are those who either attend meetings or are members of boards. And as there is a sliver of common sense there, he himself is living proof that those requirements do not automatically produce a good public servant. And after all, that’s what all of this is supposed to be about.

 In his own words, “I am steady, goal-oriented, and I have always been good for my motto: “For the Best We Can Be.” (Pfft…lol) I provide stability, no nonsense, and I act as a kind of ballast. I prevent the ship from getting out of control or tipping over. I suggest you vote for me.”

He then goes on to suggest you vote for MacDonald Kennedy (a BFF and ally, they’re thick as thieves) and for Art Gonzales, (who has already gone on record stating he wants no part of being in any group, with Fred or otherwise) suggesting “they” will form their own self-serving majority and conquer the World! OK, I’m kidding on the last part but let’s go back for a minute and break down his previous statement.

  • ·         I am steady.” I will agree he is consistent, and that’s not meant as a compliment. He is “steady” in his constant demeaning of all of those who don’t conform to his ideals
  • ·         Goal-oriented.” He accomplished none of his goals set forth as a commissioner
  • ·         Good for my motto.” A meaningless narcissistic musing 
  • ·         I provide stability    Another meaningless narcissistic musing
  • ·         No nonsense.” I suppose he’s referring to his condescending nature here
  • ·      And I act as a kind of ballast.” OMG no, he doesn’t. This is pure hubris. What he does is to create divide, ill will and unwanted drama
  • ·         I prevent the ship from getting out of control,” blah, blah, blah…

I think you get the point by now. The truth is that when Fred was in office, he rode the coattails of the sound and level headed leadership provided by Mayor David Coviello and was mostly just along for the ride. But, let’s wrap this thing up.

In preparing for this article I went over to his blog to harvest some material. And to my shock, I witnessed just how much free real estate I’m taking up in his head. And it’s unhinged and unnatural. You see I’m mentioned multiple times on multiple posts and clearly have taken on the role of the Boogie Man hiding under his bed. And, of course, I’m the main reason for all of his failures. (I suppose Fred blames me for the Corona virus as well… silly me, I thought everyone knew it was China, but I digress) Who knew I was such a master mind and brainwasher of all people and things? Of course and as mentioned previously, ALL of his accusations are without any shred of proof and his claims vary wildly. Scary wildly if you ask me. And as such, Fred is not creditable. Based on what I read, he’s more deserving of a padded room than a commission seat. It’s now to the point I may need to consider filing a virtual restraining order against him.

Do you want a delusional victim that can’t face his failures making decisions that affect you?   

Not me… but then again, I’m not here to tell you how to vote, or how to think. That’s up to you.


Standing Watch,

Milton Hunter

The Biscayne Parker

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