Thursday, October 8, 2015

Standing Water Photos 2

Greetings All,

In our ongoing effort to assist both our Village and Craig A. Smith with the gathering of actual data, please find below updated BP standing water photos. To review, several volunteer Villagers have been observing and photographing standing water areas in our Village after each heavy rainfall. This program coincided with the rainy season and after our existing storm water drains had been cleaned out. This analysis should provide the most realistic examples of our factual standing water issues.

I want you to compare these photos, taken on 9/25/15 to the previous ones posted on 9/12/15 as they illustrate some interesting points. Please take note of areas 1-3 from both days. (located on the Storm Water Workshop repost) Presumably, due to ground saturation after days of rainfall and changes in the water table, you will see more standing water in these three areas. Also, there were new areas found where standing water was detected.

What I found notable is that the natural water diffusion time-frame was essentially the same. The time elapsed between these photos was approx. 6.5 hours. 

Area 1 (115 St. / 6th Ave.)
(click on any photo to enlarge)
Area 2 (116 St. / 9th Ave.)
Area 3 (112 St. / 7th Ave.)
Area 4 (116 St. / 10th Ave. )
Area 5 (119 St. / 11 Ave. )
Area 6 (119 St. / 7th Ave. )
Area 7 (112 St. / 10th Ave. )
Area 8 (113 St. / 10th Ave. )

 It was reported that areas 4-6 were clear of any standing water several hours earlier. Additionally, to further convey the condition, below are photos taken only 2 hours apart. 

Area 5 (119 St. / 11th Ave.)
Area 9 (119st. / 12th Ave. )
Area 10 ( 119 St. / 12th Ct.)

Now, I have one favor to ask of you. If there are any standing water areas not yet covered here, please contact me so that those areas, if any, can be included in the next photo session, weather permitting.   

The photos are to simply provide evidence of the actual situation without bias.  

Milton Hunter- The Biscayne Parker

The resident email list was sourced from a public records request from the Village. Should anyone not wish to receive future blog post announcements, please send me an email and include opt-out in the subject line. Your email address will be removed from all future notifications. Thank you-









  1. All,
    Sorry for the HUGE gap of space under the article. This site is somewhat clumsy and finicky with its formatting. I'll do better next time... promise!


  2. i hope that the events of the last couple of weeks in Miami Beach, Ft. Lauderdale and even more so in South Carolina will put our storm water issues into perspective. They had Flooding - entire streets under water, people navigating by paddle board and boat - and in SC loss of property and life. We have standing water issues - parts of blocks getting standing water for a few hours. Yes, there are some like 9th north of the Rec Center that are significant but that is not the norm and is likely caused by a malfunctioning drain that needs fixing.

    1. Hi Janey,
      I guess that perspective is in the eye of the beholder, so to speak. Heck, closer to home, N. Miami has some standing water problems too. As you know, the purpose of these pictures is to illustrate "our" specific situation. The pictures speak for themselves.

      We'll tighten up the time frame for the next photo session. I know that some of these areas were clear of all standing water sooner than the 6.5 hours I shot. So, we'll see just how long it takes to dissipate.

  3. From Linda Dillon:

    Hi Milton,

    Thanks, finally got to read more about what took place at the meeting I could not attend. I submitted my own storm water photos. Unfortunately I can’t remember the year, but am thinking it was around the time of the “no name’ storm. Maybe 2002 or so? Anyway, it was definitely not during Andrew or Wilma.

    Have lived in my house since 1978, and only that once in all these years has there been standing water on the property for any length of time. The water covered much of my front yard and quite a bit of my neighbor’s next door, even across the street. It sat there for a couple of days. My neighbor to the West had water seep into their addition which, at the time, was a garage converted into a mother-in-law’s quarters.

    The corner of my street (115th) and N.E. 6th Avenue often has standing water even when it doesn’t rain that hard. This one spot has been a problem for all the years I have lived here, and continues to be a problem.

    Personally, I don’t see that the Village has such major issues to warrant great expense. We have a few problem areas, for sure, but to spend thousands or more? Pulease!!!!! I can’t believe we spent what we did just to “study” the issue. Surely we have other projects where this type of expenditure could have served us better.


    1. Hi Linda,
      I've not lived here as long as you, but long enough I think to have a feel for our standing water situation. The corner of your street (115th and 6th) is area #1. I know well of its water accumulation as I take that street often.

      Considering the cost for the work in El Portal, I think "thousands" may be off by several zeros. Their overall cost is approx. six million dollars. However, as mentioned in the Storm Water Workshop post, we need to wait and see what the engineer comes up with after the survey has been completed. Their needs (and associated cost) may indeed be much greater than ours.

      Thanks for sharing.

